SIO the other newsletter – No.107: Drill, baby, drill . a thought experiment
A Thought Experiment about 200 Trillion Dollar Revenue, WW III, Trump’s Plans, and “Drill, Baby, Drill”
By Dr. rer. Nat. habil. Norbert Schwarzer
There are about 4 million old (one says retired) oil wells in North America. They pose a great danger to the environment. The average amount of oil still in those old wells is above 1 million barrel each and this is a very conservative number/estimate as old and current extraction techniques cannot extract more than 60% of the amount of oil that such wells contain.
Securing only about 400 thousand (10%) of these old wells would cost the tax-payer a minimum of 20 billion dollars and it would secure those wells for not longer than 10 to 15 years max. Then a revision is of need.
With RASA® technology the oil, still residing in those wells and causing all the environmental disastrous problems, the combined process of extraction, cleaning up, and securing those old wells would be so efficient that selling the residual oil does not only cover all costs, but even leaves a revenue of about 50 dollars per barrel, when evaluated with the current material prices and energy costs.

Well, doing the math gives us 4 million wells times 1 million barrels per well (min) times 50 $/barrel equals 200 trillion dollars = 200,000,000,000,000 $.
To put this into perspective:
The Neocons and some other evil forces try to start WW III over 82 trillion in natural resources in the Russian soil, thereby only considering current extraction techniques. Using RASA®-tech, those 82 trillion would evolve to about 350 trillion as just a very conservative estimate, meaning that we can probably expect much more. So, how about offering the Russians our help with the extraction process getting a nice share, let’s say about 100 trillion for our service in support and in licensing the tech? Those 100 trillion would be significantly more than the 82 trillion and they would come without any war at all. On the contrary, they would bring and maintain peace.
Who would have thought that good material science can actually help to “make love not war”…
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.106: Trump’s Stargate Project
So, now we have the project “stargate”, where they want to spend 500 billion Dollars on Artificial Intelligence R&D.
Hmm, ok… but isn’t it time to ask why, after decades of AI research and development, trillions of Dollars and calculation power so unimaginably huge and – what is more – incredibly energy consuming when compared to the human brain, we are still not anywhere near the development of something like “artificial consciousness”?
Admittedly, artificial intelligence is still better than natural stupidity, but shouldn’t we meanwhile have seen at least one “Skynet-awakening” event…?

Of course, what do material scientists like us know… after all, we are only material scientists.
[1] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer, “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of Universal Code in Reality”, 2024, RASA strategy book, ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.105: The Ultimate Golf Ball – An Infinite Market Option for Coating Companies
The Ultimate Golf Ball – An Infinite Market Option for Coating Companies

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.104: A Fundamental Marketing Aspect or The Biblical Marketing Approach
How do we constantly fail our fellow human beings in the simplest way or even make ourselves guilty towards them?
Anyone who thinks that this is a purely religious question or matter and that something like this has no place in a newsletter from a more technical company may happily dismiss the message, but they will be missing something else, something that could easily be filed under the heading of “marketing”.
Each of us speaks a different language. By that we don’t mean German or English or God knows what, but we mean the individual language of each individual, which mostly differs in nuances, but sometimes significantly in the interpretation of otherwise identical text elements of verbal communication.
To use an extreme example, let’s imagine a clergyman and a theoretical physicist.
While one speaks of soul and spirit and the other of fields, both could well mean something very similar, perhaps even the same. On the face of an analog clock, their ideas would be at 11 and 1 o’clock, but nevertheless their positions appear diametrically opposed in general perception. The one does not want to understand that in principle he is very close to the other… and there are many reasons for that, including historical, religious, ideological, and economic or socio-economic ones.
But we don’t want to worry about any of that here, because we want to focus on the marketing aspect behind this fundamental communication problem.
The way out of the dilemma of individual filters is to use the broadest possible association and illustration.
Whenever we succeed in creating images in the other person’s mind that adequately correspond to what we are trying to convey, we come closer to our goal of reaching that other person with our message. It doesn’t matter whether it is an advertising message relevant to our product marketing, an important statement or rule in law and jurisdiction, or something religious again.
The key is to pick up the other person in their own world of understanding, so to speak behind their individual filter, and to guide them mentally towards what you really want to convey.
And we are very close to the example from above with the clergyman and the theoretical physicist:
It is not for nothing that the Bible is full of metaphors.

By the way: This strategy can also be VERY helpful for the poor technician who needs to explain something complicated and completely non-economic to the management!
And where can you find such insights?
Well, you can even derive them and express them neatly mathematically [1].
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, 2024, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789815129274
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.103: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
A philosophical question at the end of the year:
What does it take to make the statement:
“I am!”?
Some people try to answer this question by searching for the spiritual self in isolation and deep reflection, detached from everything “worldly”.
But would a mind, which exists as the only entity in a universe that consists but of itself, even be able to identify itself as anything, which is to say, would it be able to state “I am!”?
Doesn’t it require intensive entanglement with an environment in order to exist at all?
Are we not only because there is something else, and we are connected to it in many ways, and that alone gives us manifestation?
If this is so, then it should also be clear that reaching out to one another does not make the single individuum smaller, but actually gives him more existence and meaning.
In this sense:
Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to all of you
The SIO team

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.102: SIO Contribution to new book “Nanomechanics for Coatings”
Based on the work of our intern Julius [1 – 8], T. vom Braucke, N. Schwarzer, F. Papa and J. Schwarzer wrote a nice little chapter for the new “Nanomechanics for Coatings…” book by Ben Beak and Tomasz Liskiewicz [9].

[1] Implants of a lifetime – intern improves medical devices
[2] Working with OPfC in FilmDoctor Studio
[3] Working with OPfC in Filmdoctor Studio – part II
[4] Calotte – How to get the depth profile of a complex coating system – an interview
[5] Calotte part 2: calotte scratch – an interview
[6] Working with SSA in FilmDoctor Studio – part I
[7] Working with SSA in FilmDoctor Studio – part II
[8] RASA Energy – Rejuvenating The World: A Discussion with Dr David Martin & Julius Schwarzer
[9] T. vom Braucke, N. Schwarzer, F. Papa, J. Schwarzer, “Analytical Methods”, Chapter 13 in “Nanomechanics for Coatings and Engineering Surfaces: Test Methods, Development Strategies, Modeling Approaches, and Applications”. Ben Beake (editor), Tomasz Liskiewicz (co-editor) 1st Edition – November 15, 2024. ISBN: 9780443133343
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.101: Time Before Time – an illustrative animation
Going back to the big topic of last week’s newsletter about the early inflationary universe, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and our quantum-gravity-based socio-economics models, we here would like to show you a short video animation.
This video has been calculated with FilmDoctor Studio and shows the animation of an old space-time encountering something new:

To watch the animation in higher resolution open it on YouTube:
Some literature recommendation for background reading:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “What Was Before Time? – How Quantum Gravity Might Give an Answer”, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CB3ZKKNL
[2] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, 2024, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789815129274
[3] N. Schwarzer, “What is Time? – The Statistics of the Positioning of “Anything” Gives Time – Really?”, self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CNY7KMWM
[4] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer, “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of Universal Code in Reality”, 2024, RASA strategy book, ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No.100: Black November & Cyber Week Sale – last chance
In this newsletter we want to remind you of our Black November & Cyber Week Sale which is now in its last week and only valid until December 8, 2024.
As mentioned in our last newsletter one of the core strengths of FilmDoctor is the material optimization.
In a first example we used the FilmDoctor software to simulate a multiple impact scenario in which some particles hit the wall of the nuclear fusion device.
We calculated the stress fields and simulated the intrinsic stresses. With the 3D presentation capabilities of the FilmDoctor software we created animations to visualize to stress fields.
You can watch these animations and more details in this presentation on
In another example our intern Julius used the FilmDoctor software for a project in which he could show ways to improve the application performance of hip and knee implants.
You can find more details here:
So, this is your last chance to get 30% off the FilmDoctor Studio software package NOW! There are only three days more to go…
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 99: The Time Before Time Question
I spoke with a friend from the banking sector who had the following question:
There is still discussion and even argument about the early inflationary universe and the cosmic microwave background radiation as evidence, but none of which really answers what came before the Big Bang as I read in your ‘time before time’ book [1] (see also [2, 3, 4]).
However, considering there are business cycles, socioeconomic ones with the rise and fall of civilizations, is there any way to detect an early big bang / early inflation in the socioeconomic universe?
Could it even be that different socioeconomic systems collided in the past and created some completely new socioeconomic universe or rather sucked smaller systems into the black hole of our current system over thousands of years?
Answer from Norbert:
Seeing “big bang” or even “inflation” scenarios as phase transitions, we would detect an absence of dominating scales in the vicinity of such events.
Now, the next reasonable question would of course have to be:
“Which scales have to be watched and what is been meant by ‘vicinity’?”
Well, we’d like to answer this question, too, but unfortunately it concerns some of our trade secrets for the quantum-gravity-based socio-economics model we are currently building.

[1] N. Schwarzer, “What Was Before Time? – How Quantum Gravity Might Give an Answer”, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CB3ZKKNL
[2] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, 2024, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789815129274
[3] N. Schwarzer, “What is Time? – The Statistics of the Positioning of “Anything” Gives Time – Really?”, self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CNY7KMWM
[4] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer, “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of Universal Code in Reality”, 2024, RASA strategy book, ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 98: Black November & Cyber Week Sale – another reminder
In this newsletter we want you to remind of our Black November & Cyber Week Sale which has started and still runs until December 8, 2024.
FilmDoctor® Studio is a very helpful tool when it comes to the topic of material optimization. Here we show you a demonstrator for a new application we just started working on: these examples show a golf ball being hit by club.
Example one shows an unprotected, homogeneously structured golf club,
whereas here the substrate of the club is protected by a layer:
The maximum stresses are now concentrated in the added layer which can easily handle such stresses and the stresses in the substrate are reduced.
This is only a first rough calculation, but it shows how far the software created by SIOmec can go…

So: get your 30% off the FilmDoctor Studio software package NOW!
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 97: Black November & Cyber Week Sale – a reminder
In this newsletter we want you to remind of our Black November & Cyber Week Sale which has started and still runs until December 8, 2024.
FilmDoctor® Studio works perfectly with all indentation and scratch measurement devices on the market, because of the data import flexibility. In addition, some manufacturers support our special data formats, which ease up the data import and prevent errors by mistyping needed information.

The modules OPfC® (indentation) and SSA® (scratch) were created to simplify the measurement analysis by creating an automated workflow. Watch the videos to see how it works.
Youtube OPfC playlist:
Youtube SSA playlist:
So: get your 30% off the FilmDoctor Studio software package NOW!
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 96: side notes from a SIPS conference 2024
a) SIO joins forces with RASA energy, attends a conference on Crete and wins a prize for a contribution about “Mathematical Psychology“
b) The team consists of Dr. Norbert Schwarzer and his 18year-old son Julius Schwarzer, who years ago had originally motivated to start on the research project of the “Mathematical Psychology”, meanwhile resulting in a book [1] (see also [2]), and had already published a variety of videos about the matter on his YouTube channel (e.g. [3 – 9])
c) The two gave their talk in the turnout gear of the German DLRG lifeguards, because – after all – “Mathematical Psychology…” is about helping people and the PTSS is a typical problem for all those emergency workers (and both, Julius and Norbert, are also firefighters and SAN A paramedics)
d) Julius wonderfully explained this to the audience when starting the presentation and hinted that the dress-code also has the advantage that, in case something would happen during or around the talk, at least we would be prepared
e) While waiting for the talk before theirs to finish, however, Julius was asked to help with some plumping issue in the hotel as he was obviously mistaken for a “very important” staff member. The timing was perfect, because Julius and Norbert were just called to start their presentation. So, Julius – quite cooly – responded that he will attend to the plumbing problem in a moment, but that he would like to give his talk first. Then he stood up, went to the podium and left a rather stunned looking conference participant in the back of the room.
Of course, he looked at the plumbing problem after the talk and informed the hotel management accordingly.
f) Norbert Schwarzer was signed up as chairman, but never informed about this – still did a reasonably good job, which was no big surprise as the life guard uniform helped with the “respect” thing
g) After the talk, Julius was invited to next year’s SIPS conference in Singapore by the organizers
h) Both, Norbert and Julius were asked by the conference organizes to give an interview
i) They were also asked by the hotel management and some guests whether they could take photos from them in the hotel lobby. When going down there the clerk (obviously not being informed by the management but looking alarmed by the uniforms) asked the two whether she should be worried

j) Lots of interest about RASA and SIO
k) They won a prize, namely:
The „Frank International Biophysics Award“
Given to Norbert Schwarzer, Crete, Greece, October 22, 2024
„For Leadership in applying physical principles in biological phenomena as per FLOGEN Sustainability Framework in the environmental, economic, and social point of view.”
(scroll down the page a little…)
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, 2024, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789815129274
[2] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer, “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of Universal Code in Reality”, 2024, RASA strategy book, ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
[3] Wie viele Eigenschaften hat Bewusstsein? (
[4] Decision Optimization – is there a tool to check on the reasoning of decisions? (
[5] 3 Generations of Consciousness (
[6] How many attributes does consciousness need? (
[7] Consciousness & Spirituality (
[8] Love Fields – towards a mathematical psychology (
[9] RASA Energy – Rejuvenating The World: A Discussion with Dr David Martin & Julius Schwarzer (
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 95: Black November & Cyber Week Sale – an offer
In this newsletter we want to announce our Black November & Cyber Week Sale which offers a 30% discount on all FilmDoctor® Studio packages from now on until December 8, 2024.
FilmDoctor® Studio is the ultimate software for physical characterization, engineering, and optimization of arbitrary structured surfaces. It can be used in a great variety of application fields with automated modules making designing great coatings as easy as selecting red eye reduction in your photo app. We will highlight some of the features in the following newsletters.

The software allows you both to analyze mechanical contact measurements and simulate a great variety of contact conditions. It uses world-first analytical solutions, stand-alone trade secret numerical models, and the newest 64-bit computing technology to perform these operations blazingly fast.
It’s also easy to use and solving your problems can become “child’s play”. Just have a look how our teenage interns managed:
So: get your 30% off the FilmDoctor Studio software package TODAY:
You can find more details about the features, available modules, and the measurement equipment connection on the product website.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 94: Lottery
With respect to our more recent Newsletter No. 88 we received quite some feedback and a variety of questions.
Some of which are definitively worth discussing and so we have decided to address them in a little serious of posts.
Here is one of these questions:
Can I interpret from your work that it is possible to go beyond statistical probability methods to better predict lottery results when using the world formula approach?

Or are the uncertainties too high requiring more powerful computing to overcome – like for socioeconomic analysis?

You Can interpret from my work that it is possible to go beyond statistical probability methods to better predict lottery results when using the world formula approach in systems with sufficiently high entanglement to their environment.

[1] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer, “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of Universal Code in Reality”, 2024, RASA strategy book, ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
[2] Julius Schwarzer, The Hydrogen Atom Metrically Illustrated
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 93: Bose-Einstein Condensate
With respect to our more recent Newsletter No. 88 we received quite some feedback and a variety of questions.
Some of which are definitively worth discussing and so we have decided to address them in a little serious of posts.
Here is one of these questions:
“Can Bose-Einstein Condensate be simulated?”
The answer to this question would require a somewhat deeper penetration into the statistics of Bose-Einstein and Fermi and their connection with the so-called “coherent domains”… something we cannot do here, because it would lead too far and therefore, we refer to the literature.
However, Bose-Einstein condensates can be mathematically described cleanly as such “coherent domains” and would then be considered as phases in a fluid or fluid-equivalent environment.
Fundamental and holistic derivations show that such domains can and will produce quantum fields of certain character [1, 2] and, similar to the Hawking-fields around black holes, these fields lead sooner or later to the destabilization, dissolution and destruction of the Bose-Einstein Condensates. On the other hand, such fields can provide the means for a path of communication with the “coherent domains” and open up very interesting approaches for quantum computer technologies.
Hence, yes, the answer to the question of the reader is yes, but there is more.

[1] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer, “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of Universal Code in Reality”, 2024, RASA strategy book, ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
[2] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789815129274
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software, picture and animations, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 92: FilmDoctor and the Optimum Lubrication Problem
With respect to our more recent Newsletter No. 88 we received quite some feedback and a variety of questions.
Some of which are definitively worth discussing and so we have decided to address them in a little serious of posts.
Here is one of these questions:
“Can this be used for solid-fluid interface design for lubrication, bearings, gears, and also for corrosion purposes?”

The answer:

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
If you have any questions concerning the software and animation, please contact Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 91: FilmDoctor and the Structured Water War
With respect to our more recent Newsletter No. 88 we received quite some feedback and a variety of questions.
Some of which are definitively worth discussing and so we have decided to address them in a little serious of posts.
Here is one of these questions:
“What a wonderful newsletter, it was suggested it may explain structured water.
Might the results shown in the newsletter and the physics of Schwarzer be applicable as the theoretical foundation to the (somewhat controversial) work of the late Nobel Laureate, Luc Montagnier that was discussed in this documentary? In the linked video it seems experiments could not yet be explained by theory. ”
Well, we have our reasons for approaching the topic of “structured water” or “water memory” with the utmost caution and stubborn mathematical rigor, but if asked, we are bound to admit that our calculations so far do not contradict Prof. Luc Montagnier. De facto, one might – at the moment – even say that they confirm him and rehabilitate Prof. Jacques Benveniste… but there is still some work to be done. So, let us see.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
or the author of this article, Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 90: Edward Witten and Hugh Everett’s Multiverse Theory
In the interview transcript with Ed Witten [1], he says his interest now lies in collaborating on Multiverse work [2], perhaps Edward may find inspiration and collaborative work where the results are applied to socio–economy [3, 4]?
Well, we didn’t wait for Academia to catch on to math that has been sitting there like a white elephant on theorists’ desks for over 109 years, and already apply the knowhow to materials science and other interesting industrial topics [5,6].

[1] Interview of Edward Witten by David Zierler on May 15, 2021, Niels Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD USA,
[2] N. Schwarzer (July 2023). Hugh Everett’s Multiverse: How Quantum Gravity Revives an old Idea and – Perhaps – Gives it a Second Life, Amazon, ASIN: B0CCQWC6YX
[3] N. Schwarzer (2023). The Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe (1st ed.). Jenny Stanford Publishing.
[4] N. Schwarzer (November 18th 2024). Mathematical Psychology: The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core (1st ed.). Jenny Stanford Publishing. ISBN: 9789815129274
[5] W. Wismann, D. Martin, N. Schwarzer (August 31st 2024). “Creation, Separation and the Mind, the Three Towers of Singularity – The Application of God’s Code in Reality”, RASA Energy, ISBN: 979-8218444839
[6] FilmDoctor, Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics, Ummanz, Germany.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
or the author of this article, Troy vom Braucke:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 89: FilmDoctor and a bit of FunSport
With respect to our last Newsletter No. 88 we received quite some feedback and a variety of questions.
Some of which are definitively worth discussing and so we have decided to address them in a little serious of posts.
Here is the first question:
“Feels a little indulgent but could this tech be used in developing hydrofoil profiles to pass through fluids that may perhaps reduce/prevent ventilation ?”
Interestingly, when doing some very interesting project work for Naishsails Inc. on Maui in 2015, hydrofoils were a significant part of our task list.
We even used FilmDoctor to simulate the so-called shark-skin effect and the subsequent system immanent reduction in Newton-like friction.

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For questions about SIOmec software Filmdoctor, graphics and animation, please ask Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 88: FilmDoctor as a Tool for the Evaluation of Internally Structured Fluids
Already some years ago, we used our tool box FilmDoctor for the simulation of elasto-hydrodynamic problems.
Thereby we did not only realize the importance of the layered structure of the solid being subjected to such a lubricated contact problem, but also the internal formation of films and other intrinsic structures within the lubricating fluid. This series of pictures shows some dynamics coming with these interfaces inside the liquid:

To start the animation, click onto the .gif
It is well known that in some liquids, especially those with polar characteristics, these structures and the dynamics imprinted on them can be quite stable due to quantum effects. Even information and energy storage are possible there and can lead to amazing property changes in comparison to the unstructured and internally-non-dynamic fluid.
Example 1 video
It shows the dynamic created from contacts outside the evaluated region. Waves overlapped within the shown region and create the shown movements.
Example 2 video
Example 2 shows the dynamic coming from a contact in the center. This is comparable to throwing a stone into a lake creating ring shaped waves moving away from the entry point.
In this sense, one might see our FilmDoctor even a possible tool for a better understanding of all the interesting effects coming with the so-called “structured water”, whereby we do not really mean water, but simply non-solid phases in just everything, which is to say not even restricted to materials…
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For questions about SIOmec software Filmdoctor, graphics and animation, please ask Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 87: SIO and partners at PSE 2024
Next week, from September 2nd to 5th, the 19th Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE) takes place in Erfurt, Germany. SIO will not take part directly, but Henry Dempwolf from DOT medical implant solutions will present a joint work with us and Jiri Nohava and Issa Thevenaz from Anton Paar .

He will give a talk titled “The impact of the indenter radius on the scratch test results of monolithic TiNbN PVD coatings for medical applications” on Wednesday at 12 p.m. in the session “Analytics of film structures and properties”. In this work we want to find how scratch tests can be helpful in the development of coatings for knee and hip implants.
In addition to the power of the FilmDoctor software (here especially the measurement design and stress evaluation), we could bring in our experience gained from Julius’ work on implants. We recently shared the results with our software FilmDoctor viewer in the newsletter No. 81.
For all those who are interested in Julius’ work on medical implant improvement, watch the following video on YouTube:
Jiri will give a talk too on Thursday at 12 p.m. in the session “Protective and tribological surfaces III” named “Influence of Al:Ti ratio and bias on structure and mechanical properties of AlTiN coatings“.
You can also meet him at the Exhibition at booth number 31.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For questions about SIOmec software Filmdoctor, please ask Nick Bierwisch:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 86: Mathematical Psychology: The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core
Our publisher has informed us that Norbert’s latest book “Mathematical Psychology: The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core“ has a release date of November 28th when you can order the book (ISBN 9789815129274).

The really interesting thing about this book is how much of materials science concepts and contact mechanics are replicated in human psychology and socioeconomic systems, providing holistic thinking materials scientists an advantage in understanding systems one might think are completely unrelated [, perhaps even to apply their knowledge to strengthening a team (a layered substrate with a certain depth of expertise) by improving it’s modulus of resilience].
To the reviewers who graciously provided their commentary, thank you.

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 85: OptiCycle in FilmDoctor Viewer
This week we want to share more interesting examples with you. We added a new set of FilmDoctor Viewer examples about the Opticycle workflow.
But first: What is the “OptiCycle“?
Well, simply put, it’s our holistic approach for the design and optimization of arbitrary surface structures:

In our newsletter No 81 about the implants 4 weeks ago we had shown how important such optimizations are in that application field and this holds for every field of application. In order to obtain the best outcome in quality, but also considering economic boundary conditions like material costs and energy necessary for the production (including the transport of parts) one has to aim for a holistic solution as possible knowledge about the stability and reliability parameters (critical values) of the materials being applied. Thereby it is very important to stay physical in order to obtain scale and dimensionally independent information. A “critical load” (in a standard scratch test, for instance) becomes useless the moment the experimental or application parameters only change a tiny bit. That’s why the optimization procedure usually starts with the determination of generic material parameters. These can be used to dimension and perform the experiments very close to the later application to learn more about the real-life performance of your systems. Entangled with computer simulations to gain even more knowledge or narrow down the search field, one finally results in an optimum material selection. All these steps we call an OptiCycle iteration, because after going through the first round you can start a new iteration:
– getting the material parameters of the improved component (improved during the round before)
– design and perform more complex tests (even closer to the application)
– simulate and optimize the structure
Using this approach, you can improve the material structure of your component and increase the application performance in each iteration.
You can download the examples at . Simply scroll down and unfold the OptiCycle section:

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
Ask our programmer Nick Bierwisch about the software:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 84: Dr and Son at SIPS 2024 Conference in Crete
In October this year, SIOmec CEO Norbert Schwarzer will give a talk together with his son and SIOmec intern Julius at the famous conference SIPS 2024 in Crete, Greece:
With this, they will join the long list of lecturers alongside numerous Nobel Laureates and present the topic:
“Love, The Black Hole in the Universe of Feelings – Why Psychology Might Need Quantum Gravity Concepts”

List of abstracts – SIPS 2024 by FLOGEN
The talk will be based on Schwarzer’s book about “Mathematical Psychology” [3] and the holistic Strategy Book of RASA energy [4] (s. our newsletter No. 83).

A follow-up newsletter will report about this significant presentation and the conference.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 83: Creation, Separation, and the Mind – new book available!
The SIOmec family is bigger than it seems: in this newsletter book editor Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer and illustrator Livia Schwarzer proudly present the brand-new RASA Energy Inc. book:.
Creation, Separation, and the Mind
– The Three Towers of Singularity –
… the application of universal code in reality…
written by Dr. William E. Wismann, Dr. David E. Martin, and Dr. Norbert Schwarzer

The three authors have written a 512-page masterpiece in which Quantum Gravity or – as others call it – the “Theory of Everything” mathematically explains the application of Polar Selectivity, Enhanced Layer Formation and some essential facets of the Human Mind. Thus, the book presents very fundamental aspects of the manifestation of phase observations of matter and the entanglement of the latter with unconscious and conscious thought.
For this purpose, 16-year-old Livia was entrusted with illustrating the book with numerous graphics and artwork, thereby enriching the SIOmec family with a valuable team member.
Chief editor Peggy is proud of the outcome that can now be ordered:
ISBN 979-8-218-44483-9
If you have any questions concerning the theory presented in the book, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For questions about the book in general and all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 82: Report on SIOmec Contribution to Conference on Smart Materials & Structures
SIOmec programmer Nick Bierwisch was on tour again: this time in Germany’s capital city Berlin; 5 years after the “1st International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures.” Nick talked about the digital twin in material science, which is a very hot topic, indeed. This year the conference was combined with the “5th global summit on catalysis and chemical engineering” ( and it was interesting to see that in that application field similar methods are used to create digital models for more and more complex material structures. Seeing the usage of artificial intelligence to find new materials which can increase the application performance also triggered the attention of our software developer.

Many thanks to the conference organizers, because in a last minute decision they allowed Nick to present a poster, too, which hadn’t been announced previously in our newsletter 2 weeks ago. The poster was about our newest development: the “tomographic view,” which will help to locate the most critical parts in very complex contact conditions and intricate compound material structures.

Do you have questions concerning the conference or concerning the software in FilmDoctor or the conference participation? Please contact
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 81: implants of a lifetime – new application in FilmDoctor Viewer
In our Newsletter 79 two weeks ago, we announced the FilmDoctor Viewer website to share interesting applications with you. We added a new set of examples about the improvement of a coating system used for hip and knee implants. Improvements in that field are badly needed to increasethe lifetime of such implants. This would prevent a lot of surgeries in which the implants need to be replaced. Every operation is a risk for the patients and less operations and longer lasting implants would increase the quality of life of the patients a lot.

You can download the examples at and find more details about the work of our apprentice Julius (14 years old at that time) at

We also added the 3D feature to the FilmDoctor viewer, so that you can look at the evaluated data in the same way it was presented by Julius on YouTube (

Do you have questions concerning the conference or concerning the software in FilmDoctor? Please contact
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 80: SIO at Smart Materials 2024
From July 22nd to 24th SIOMEC team member and programmer Nick Bierwisch will attend the
2nd International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures (or short named Smart Materials 2024) in Berlin.
He will give a presentation about “Creating a digital twin and how it helps to speed up your coating development” on Tuesday, July 23 at 2:05 p.m.
So: save the date and see you in Berlin!
Do you have questions concerning the conference or concerning the software in general? Please contact
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 79 : FilmDoctor Viewer now publicly available!
Last year we announced our free software package FilmDoctor Viewer. It’s a great tool to share your FilmDoctor results with other employees, partners or projects and team members.
We extended the functionality to ease up the usage and simplifying the addition of customer-related examples.
Furthermore, it is much faster to get your own copy of the software package free of charge: now it is available easily on our website:
You cannot only share your own projects with others via the FilmDoctor Viewer, it is also possible to download example sets provided by SIO or any other FilmDoctor user.

Simply select the examples you are interested in and download them. They will be installed into the FilmDoctor Viewer directory and merged to the existing examples at the next start of FilmDoctor Viewer.
We are planning to release new examples regularly and we are looking forward to do so with your input. Just let us know what problems we should look into and we will see what we can do.

Do you have questions about FilmDoctor Viewer or concerning the software in general? Please contact
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 78 : Extreme calculation speedup for complex material structures
In our newsletter 69 on Computational Trick makes a Laptop perform like a Mainframe Computer we showed how faster calculations can help to speed up your work. Especially in optimization tasks which have to perform a lot of smaller evaluations to get the results (e.g., identifying critical material parameters).
Our ongoing work with graphene, as just THE material for the next generation of Computers, Super- and Quantum Computers (see also newsletter 59 – Accelerate Graphene Development), brought us to the idea to check how big the acceleration effect is for true multilayer structures. We created a variety of example projects and tested them in our Software FilmDoctor on different computers. This table shows how much the calculation time is increased when we add more layers.

As we can see, instead of a linear increase by only a few percent, when using our mathematical trick, being based on our completely analytical solution of a great variety of contact and defect problems, the calculation time increases exponentially with every added layer. In applications with 1 to 3 layers this might not be crucial, but for very complex evaluations this quickly leads to extreme calculation times which can’t be handled even by supercomputers. The same happens, by the way, when applying finite element or boundary element based packages. They, too, cannot handle such tasks for bigger numbers of interfaces (be it true layer interfaces, defects, simulated gradients, graphene orbital differences or just phase transitions).

As we can see in the following graphic, the effect becomes paramount for complex multilayer and gradient systems and thus, will be of great importance for future developments of graphene structures as THE ultimate Super- and Quantum Computer solutions.
The design of such structures requires the consideration of hundreds or even thousands of layers, orbital transitions and defects. It is sheer impossible to deal with such tasks in the classical way and this makes our FilmDoctor simply the only tool being fit for the job.

Because of the dramatic increase we changed the scale for the calculation time increase to logarithmic (base 10) values.

The older newsletter can be accessed via our news archive at
Do you have questions to the programming of these accelerations or concerning the software in general? Please contact
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 77 : How Black Holes Store Information
SIOmec CEO Norbert Schwarzer has shown that Black Holes increase their dimensionality with the number of bits they have swallowed. Along the way many fascinating things can be learned about this old problem from Bekenstein and Hawking.

[311] N. Schwarzer, “The Quantum Black Hole”, Part 7b of “Medical Socio-Economic
Quantum Gravity”, Self-published, Amazon Digital Services, April 2021, Kindle, ASIN: B092MNP8DN
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 76 : FCSE-2024 Conference Report
FCSE-2024 Conference – Creating a Digital Twin

At FCSE-2024 we had interested students and researchers asking about the stress profiling method for their applications, so long as wearing through the coating to create a profile suits the sample, then yes it works.

There was interest in the defect accumulation model and how it worked if calculating only in the Hertzian elastic regime. From indentation data the load-depth curves go just past the elastic regime into the start of plastic deformation. This data can be extracted to understand the beginning of plastic deformation process and look for critical locations that are likely to lead to crack formation depending on the materials and impact conditions.

There were some very informative posters and interesting talks, one talk that grabbed Troy’s attention was one by Hauzer’s Phillip Immich, who spoke about the challenges of high-volume coating of metallic plates for hydrogen applications. He mentioned the need to find low-cost replacements for metals such as Platinum. Well Phillip, hint-hint, there is a project opportunity to do just that – more can be learned about it here: “Finding Scarce Material Performance Alternatives to Mitigate Supply Chain Risk and Lower Costs” [1].
Troy also noticed a lot of interest in the audience when showing the 2D Graphene sheet simulation and described it as an unpublished scientific opportunity to use AFM load-depth data as input to the simulation (for any 2D Material of interest). Being able to explore the effects of charge build up at interfaces, and other small-scale effects with extremely fast calculations on a laptop (just a second or two depending on the resolution) offers rapid development opportunities in addition to many thought experiments to explore.

The tomographic view shown at the end of the talk drew excited interest to be able to see the hidden interactions from defects so often found in coatings and being able to slice through regions of interest to see the stress field. It was commented that this can be a great benefit.

[1] N. Schwarzer, “Scarce Material Replacements: Project Opportunity to Mitigate Supply Chain Risks, Lower Costs and Accelerate Product Development Timelines”, Nov 2023, ASIN:B0CNY7TRH2
Dou you wish to learn more about the conference? Contact our partner Troy vom Braucke:
Concerning the software, please ask our programmer, Nick Bierwisch::
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 75 – Tomographic View: informative outline
In the newsletter of today we want to give an informative overview of the new modeling tool “Tomographic View” which is currently developed by SIOmec. The tool features are illustrated here in the form of a poster which lately was presented by SIOmec programmer Nick Bierwisch on an international conference.

To open the poster with higher resolution please click here:
Concerning the software, please ask our programmer, Nick Bierwisch::
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 74 – SIO and partners at FCSE-2024 in Montreal, Canada
Next week at 14:10 on Tuesday June 4th, session 6, our colleague Troy vom Braucke of GP Plasma will be presenting a talk for SIO titled
“Creating a digital twin and how it helps to speed up your coating development”
It will showcase how the required data for a digital twin of your coating system can be obtained by analyzing indentation and scratch measurements. And then using SIO’s analytical models which dramatically speed up the simulation and optimization of complex contact conditions.

Following this talk in session 7 at 16.10, Frank Papa will present
“From Nano to Micro: When ALD meets with PVD to enhance coating performance”
… another great application for the SIO analytical software to make a digital twin of these novel layered designs.
The presentations will be at the 10th International Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering (FCSE-2024). The program is available at
For more information on the talks or interest in applying to your own coating design problems please contact Troy or Nick:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 73 – SVC TechCon summary
SIOmec programmer Nick Bierwisch is now back from the United States where he participated in the SVC TechCon 2024 in Chicago which was held from May 6 – 9, 2024:
“It was a good feeling to swap the computer screen for the public stage at such a large conference once again. Meeting many people which one hasn’t seen for a while and getting to know new scientists always broadens one’s own horizon.
The topic of my talk was about the digital twin, which is a very hot issue, indeed. It was very interesting to learn more about the latest developments in protective and barrier coatings, especially in the aviation industry… no wonder, I just flew in to this event from Europe. Another important topic where SIOmec is already contributing with its modeling capacities has to do with the challenges in the transformation from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources like hydrogen.
For me as a software developer for one of the most comprehensive thin film modeling tools, FilmDoctor, it was very satisfying to see how generic parameter identification and optimization was given much more attention and is meanwhile seen as THE toolbox for research and development of all surface related aspects in a huge variety of fields, products, and applications.”

For questions about the conference participation and / or the software development, ask Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 72 – Quantum Gravity War – new book available
When SIOmec CEO Dr Norbert Schwarzer wrote his book about the Quantum Gravity War in 2020, nobody would have thought that rather soon even a potential WW III would become part of the daily discussion of the ordinary people.
When asked, Dr Schwarzer claimed to have written the book because he wanted to point out the danger looming within a unified physics and their potential connection with the so-called Fermi paradox. In the beginning of 2021 then, a short paper appeared and was widely ignored, but when the Russians shocked the “Collective West” with their super-sonic technology and quite a few other “surprises”, Dr Schwarzer’s publisher convinced him that the time was right for a real book about the whole topic:
“There are simply too many idiots out there who have no idea what such a war would mean for mankind. It is time to show them that there will be no winner!”
Now available on the market, more topical than ever:
“The Quantum Gravity War – How will the Nearby Unification of Physics Change Future Warfare?”
Short description:
Imagine a civilization with a technology so powerful that a single push of the “wrong” button could destroy this very entire civilization. As the consideration of future warfare requires the inclusion of a unified physics, we have to deal with complex concepts of Quantum Theory and General Theory of Relativity. The two have to be brought together before we are able to deal with the matter of future warfare technology in a satisfactory manner. It may come as a surprise that such a “Theory of Everything” or “Theory of Quantum Gravity” — in principle — already exists and had been already derived by the great German mathematician David Hilbert. When digging deeper and looking for applications of the “new” theory, we realized that many of the new possibilities could also lead to quite disastrous utilizations in military. It is futile to hope that mankind would not recognize this potential and restrain itself from its exploitation.
Thus, we thought we better make this knowledge public and hope for some kind of global understanding, perhaps guaranteeing the non-usage of certain technologies. It might only be a weak hope, but in observing history and realizing how little we gained by keeping crucial knowledge restricted to some, thereby often only even more provoking the development of the most horrific weapons one could imagine at the time, we simply see no better way. This book does not provide blueprints ready to start the developments of new quantum gravity weaponry and strategies, but it draws the line that would suffice to awake the right forces and trigger the best developments … before the bad guys get the gist.
If you have any questions concerning the book or the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 71 – SIO & partners at TechCon 2024 in Chicago
SIOmec programmer Nick Bierwisch will attend the 67th Annual SVC Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2024) in Chicago next week from May 6th to 9th:
He gives a talk on the topic “Creating a Digital Twin and How It Helps to Speed Up Your Coating Development” on Wednesday, May 8, at 9:30 a.m.
This contribution is combined with his poster presentation with the title “Tomographic View – New Tool to View Inside the Material” on Tuesday, May 7 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Furthermore, our partner GPPlasma will have a booth at the exhibition on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th of May. Their booth number is 205:

So: save the dates and see you in Chicago!
Concerning the software and the conference contribution, please ask our programmer, Nick Bierwisch:
For questions about the conference booth, please contact Troy vom Braucke via email:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 70 – New Multi Impact Tool in FilmDoctor
The “multi impact” feature of our software FilmDoctor was now converted to a module to ease up the workflow for our customers: It allows to define a set of impacting particles with different (material and kinetic) properties. This can be very helpful if complex contact conditions or real-life experiments like the arizona dust test shall be simulated.
The customer can define for which time spots the stress strain fields should be calculated and the software then will create an animation of the stress strain fields at the selected time spots accordingly.

Enter the properties of the material stack on the material page that should already be familiar to our FilmDoctor users.
On the impact page the details of the impacting particles can be defined. A great variety of parameter ranges are available here and the software will use values within these ranges to generate a set of particles.
The generated parameters can be adjusted by hand if needed and then the software will evaluate the contact conditions for each particle during the whole contact time.
When the calculation has finished, the results can be presented in the standard FilmDoctor result views:

A nice example of use is resented in this short video on Fusion Impact Optimization:
Concerning the software in general and the new module, please ask our programmer, Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 69 – Computational Trick makes a Laptop perform like a Mainframe Computer

When a coating or material failure occurs on the customer’s part, senior management will be looking for answers, the conversation usually goes like this…
Management: How long it will take to fix the problem?
Engineer (giving an honest answer): Well, it will take several design iterations, manufacturing prototypes and accelerated application tests to find an improvement, but first we need to understand the cause.
Management: So how long will it take to fix it?
Engineer: Ahh, it will take several iterations to see if we are heading in the right direction.
Management: You’re not listening, how long will it take?
Engineer (frustrated): How long is a piece of string?
Management (frustrated and walking away): Fix it!
What if you could take years of development and iteration work and compress it into a few weeks?
What about showing the management a visual of why the problem is there and how the proposed development will fix it?
SIO’s FilmDoctor® is the answer. Some time ago Dr Schwarzer was asked by computer and math freaks, including none other than Mr. Fabrikant himself, “how on earth” he was able to make the calculation of these contact problems so fast.
Well, the SIOmec team knows why… a trick Dr Schwarzer came up with accelerated the calculation dramatically. It is a trick one can implement into the solving-procedures of a great variety of similar problems (not only mechanical ones).
SIO’s efficient numerical technique provides an acceleration factor range from 40X up to [(n*1000)*8] where n is the number of dimensional factors. Imagine the benefits if applied to a bank stress test or a larger socioeconomic system?
The image comparison below shows how higher calculation performance allows you to spot the critical failure faster (just for one calculation cycle) and then when running an optimization cycle to find a solution, the acceleration factor ramps up non-linearly.

For questions about the newsletter and how it can also show the solution, please contact Troy vom Braucke via email:
Concerning the software, please ask our programmer, Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 68 – The Earthquake problem and a Computational Advance
In May 2015, Dr. Norbert Schwarzer was invited to the geology department at Ohio State University and gave a presentation about his work. During that presentation he was asked to model a certain earth-layer situation that apparently was considered a very difficult problem by the audience, and which usually requires super-computers to be simulated. Norbert used the software (his own FilmDoctor) on his laptop computer and had the result in a few seconds. The audience had expected either total failure or endless evaluation time. So, you can picture quite some jaw dropping.
As a mere byproduct, a new mechanical failure mechanism was discovered which had puzzled and molested many engineers for many years in the coating industry (see Figure 1).

Now a recent test of FilmDoctor being developed to run on 64-bit instead of 32-bit operating system architecture has shown the calculation times to be dramatically improved (see Figure 2). The 64-bit version allows much better multitasking and data handling with better utilization of a computers available RAM memory.

Figure 2. At left a 2-layer system (hard layer over incompressible layer over hard substrate) leading to the double eggshell effect. At right various computation times for different problem types using 4 CPU’s and comparing 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
The Result, this 2-layer double eggshell example would normally take 3 seconds is now calculated in 1 second. Imagine not having to schedule days, weeks, or months of super compute time to get the answers you need faster and provide a competitive advantage.
Papers (the story was verified by SVC before taking it into their Bulletin):
[91] N. Schwarzer, “From Hertz via Higgs to a Paradox Failure Mechanism”, page 46, The 2015 Fall issue of the SVC Bulletin,
The necessary theory can be found here:
[92] N. Schwarzer, “Scale invariant mechanical surface optimization applying analytical time dependent contact mechanics for layered structures”, Chapter 22 in “Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials”, Atul Tiwari (Editor), Sridhar Natarajan (Co-Editor), ISBN: 978-1-119-08449-5, 2017,
For questions about the video, please contact Troy vom Braucke via email:
If you have questions about the software FilmDoctor, feel free to contact our programmer Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 67 – Celebrating British Science Week in June
Did you know that every year there is a “British Science Week”, a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering, and maths whose aim is to get young children interested in science?
This year it will take place between March 8 and March 17, 2024 in many countries worldwide!
With this, people and careers in science and engineering are celebrated and a range of activities and science-related events is provided for the general public to engage and inspire people of all ages with science, engineering and technology.
SIOmec also wants to contribute to the British Science Week by providing a video from our young intern Julius, who at a very young age of 14 already got involved in very complex and life-changing topics. In his numerous videos he explains science in an easy-to-understand way for everybody. Have a look at his work, which here for example deals with the technical improvement of artificial hips and implants:
Enjoy watching his tutorials and be part of the Britsh Science Week with us!
For more info, see also here:
For questions about the video, please contact Julius Schwarzer via email:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 66 – SIOmec in Interview with RASA Energy
Today we want to call your intention to a very interesting conversation which was recorded lately in Oxnard, California, when 17-year-old intern Julius Schwarzer was invited to RASA Energy to interview famous Dr David Martin.
In this one-hour interview Julius has the unique opportunity to discuss profound issues with renowned Dr David Martin of RASA Energy, California. The company has developed environmental solutions for the hydrocarbon industry with the aim of “rejuvenating the world.”
Julius and David are talking about reusable sources of energy, augmented intelligence vs. artificial intelligence, about “too much science in school”, and they make the connection from the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus to renewable livers to hydrocarbons. So, watch the entertaining video and literally boldly go where no man has gone before…
Visit also
For questions about the video, please contact Julius Schwarzer via email:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 65 – Tomographic view in FilmDoctor revisited
In our newsletter today we revisit the new 3D visualizing tool “Tomographic View” in the software “FilmDoctor” developed by SIOmec.
We have uploaded two more videos for you that show the stress distribution of a multiple contact situation, where you cannot define the calculation region in a way to place the faces of the cube at the center of the stresses.

In other words: In some cases, it is possible to define the calculated region in such a way that all areas with high stresses lie on the face of the calculated cube. In this case, you can easily recognize the critical regions.
But in real multiple contact situations this is usually not the case:

This is where the Tomographic View can help:
By changing the transparency, details, and colors, it is possible with the new Tomographic View to look inside and detect the most stressed parts & to highlight interesting areas even if they are hidden deeply within the material (e.g. defects).
For questions about the new tool ‘Tomographic View’ in our software FilmDoctor, please contact Nick Bierwisch via email:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 64 – SIOmec at Nanomechanical Testing Conference
Next week, March 19 to March 21, 2024, SIOmec team member and programmer Nick Bierwisch will take part at Bruker’s annual testing conference featuring high-quality technical programming presented by leading nanomechanical and nanotribological testing experts in Lyon, France:
“Nanobrücken 2024: Nanomechanical Testing Conference”

He will be presenting a poster with the title
“Creating a digital twin and how it helps to speed up your coating development”
For more information about this topic, please have a look at our website: Digital Twin
For questions about our conference participation , SIO programming or any other technical concerns, feel free to visit Nick Bierwisch’s poster presentation or contact him via email:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 63 – Optimum Surface Protection Made Child’s Play
How to break down even the most complicated things into something so illustrative that it becomes child’s play? Here a few examples how this has been done with our comprehensive FilmDoctor package by some teenage boys:

How to get the depth profile of a complex coating system – an interview:
Scratch test analysis with the Calotte Module of FilmDoctor – an interview:
Calculating Intrinsic Stresses with FilmDoctor:
Working with OPfC in Filmdoctor Studio:
Working with OPfC in Filmdoctor Studio – part II:
Working with SSA in FilmDoctor Studio – part I:
Working with SSA in FilmDoctor Studio – part II:
BtW: The theory to all this is anything but a piece of cake 😊
[92] N. Schwarzer, “Scale invariant mechanical surface optimization applying analytical time dependent contact mechanics for layered structures”, Chapter 22 in “Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials”, Atul Tiwari (Editor), Sridhar Natarajan (Co-Editor), ISBN: 978-1-119-08449-5, 2017,
For questions about this new tomographic view tool, please feel free to address Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 62 – SIO Tomographic View Beta
New view option to highlight interesting (usually high stressed) parts even if they are hidden deeply within the material compound – defects, for instance.
We use an external library named Gorilla3D provided by Gorilla software (
This library allows us to create a field data view similar to airport scanners or magnetic resonance tomographs (MRTs), where interesting material regions are highlighted and the less interesting ones are made transparent. We implemented a set of options to allow the customize the individualize the presentation of the results.
Feel like the medical doctor standing next to an MRT and move through the innermost structures of your solid material body!

A first simple example
For questions about this new tomographic view tool, please feel free to address Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 61 – SIOmec website updated
Our new SIOmec website is now available
The Saxony Institute of Surface Mechanics is a company which has been a modern high-tech institute specialized in the analysis, engineering, and optimization of structured surfaces under all kinds of mechanical loading since 2005.
Our new web page is now available and has some new features for you:
Next to updated information about our service and products, you will also find uploaded publications and documents, video links, tutorials, YouTube videos, as well as an archive of our weekly newsletters.

Check it out under
You can also signup and remove the e-mail newsletter.
For questions about the webpage itself, please feel free to address Nick Bierwisch:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 60 – 6 side calculation feature available
New FilmDoctor feature
This week’s newsletter is just a very short announcement on the new 6-sided calculation feature which now is available in the software “FilmDoctor” by SIOmec.
With this 6-sided view you could have a closer look at interesting parts on your multiple contact, impact or residual stress situation. In the case shown below, just as an example, the Pi and Sigma orbital layers of a single Graphene sheet under contact loading with rotational and lateral components are shown:

All you need to do is select the recently added option “all 6 sides of the cube” on the 3D calculation page to have the FilmDoctor calculate a video animation as this one here:

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 59 – Accelerate Graphene Development
Accelerate Graphene Development
Graphene and other 2D materials are important for many technology applications from batteries to computer chips and more.
I was recently asked if FilmDoctor can be used for ultrathin 2D materials like Graphene. Not having tried it myself, I asked Dr Norbert Schwarzer CEO of SiOMec about it. He answered that it was one of the first materials used to validate FilmDoctor over 25 years ago at the University of Chemnitz theoretical physics department.
Validation was by comparison to a non-truncated Molecular Dynamics orbital model and to experimental results. The result … perfect agreement with both! Only the MD model took one month of supercomputer time and FilmDoctor need only a few seconds on a laptop.
These massive time savings have a huge impact on the return on investment from labor savings, consumables, and increased machine uptime. Allowing your company to get ahead of the market while reducing capital expenditure. A tier one automotive supplier accelerated their thin film product development from 3 years down to 3 months!
Classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Finite Element (FE) simulation methods are used by scientists and engineers to optimize material designs for different applications or to understand the formation of these materials in manufacturing. But these techniques contain approximations and have limitations in simulating large numbers of atoms and are not invertible for reverse optimization.
First principles analytical physics methods [1] provide the ability to understand how small-scale effects can lead to large scale failure problems. Making it possible to speed up your troubleshooting optimization cycle.
Due to hyper efficient mathematical physics that is scale invariant (from small to large scale analysis) and invertible (reverse optimizable), the analytical approach takes a few minutes to set up the design problem. The unprecedented simulation speed means it requires just a few seconds to calculate the material performance under desired contact loading conditions.
The use of experimental measurement data input to the simulation allows a layer structure refinement to ensure agreement with experiment and competing methods such as FE and MD. However, without the limitations of those latter methods, in seconds you can run different thought experiments on your laptop if experimental techniques are not available.
Graphene and Graphene-Like Materials

MD approaches use effective potentials with corrections and therefore, not a fundamental 1st principles approach. They are not accurate if going for more than 1000 atoms as they still use tight binding approximations. Today’s workstations may now do the MD calculations within a week, but FD is still just a few seconds on a 1.6GHz, 4-core laptop.
Interesting Applications
With many potential applications, to name a few there are options for endlessly chargeable batteries, better charge storage, EMP proof computer chips, novel quantum and quantum gravity chip designs, and fusion energy optimization. The physics offers a variety of novel approaches that are further explored in [2].

When you need a force multiplier, speak to us about software to give you competitive advantage
( )!
In summary:
- Maximize return on investment by accelerating product & process development cycles.
- Uncover the small-scale failures that lead to large-scale problems.
- Calculate critical failure modes in seconds!
- Integrate material property measurement inputs to refine performance simulations.
- Reverse optimize from performance need to materials requirement.
- Run through thought experiments as fast as you can think of them.
- Works for any substrate-material combination and any contact load situation inclusive atomic & ionic.
- Scale invariant, from atomic orbitals to plate tectonics!
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Scale invariant mechanical surface optimization applying analytical time dependent contact mechanics for layered structures”, Chapter 22 in “Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials”, Atul Tiwari (Editor), Sridhar Natarajan (Co-Editor), ISBN: 978-1-119-08449-5, 2017,
[2] N. Schwarzer, “Quantum Gravity War: How will the nearby unification of physics change the future of war”, April 2024, JennyStanford Publishing.
Have a look at our webpage to find out more about graphenes:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For technical advice (model build-up) address Troy vom Braucke:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 58 – Material Science and Future Wars
Originally only thought as a warning with respect to a variety of problematic issues of certain scientific developments, it cannot be denied that from a material science standpoint the development of future warfare, as we have described in our new book “The Quantum Gravity War”, provides quite some interesting aspects… and, when thinking about the possibilities in a holistic way, also many chances to actually do something really good.

Here you can find some reviews of the new book [1] which will be published in April this year:
“Science is about empowering the homo to move (to live) and predict his future. On this path, asking questions fearlessly should be a full-time job. No question has been more important than the wellbeing and future of man. From unmasking the elite sustained by ‘a network of symbiotically entangled moochers’, to space as an ‘assembly of properties viewed as degrees of freedom’, Norbert Schwarzer’s holistic approach shows how questioning works.”
~Prof. Adrian Bejan, author of “The Physics of Life“ and ”Freedom and Evolution.”
“This insightful book leaves a door ajar on a fascinating subject and the possibilities that quantum gravity computing could bring. With implications far more profound than current AI developments this new technology has the potential to completely redefine global strategy, technology, AI, possibly even what it means to be human.“
~Dr. Sven Meier.
And the only thing one has to do in order to spot this is to separately consider the volume part of the metric tensor:
“A pleasure to read from cover to cover. The opening chapter, followed by a seemingly ordinary story, leads to the Theory of Everything, heavily supported by mathematics. Various assumptions and implementations of the theory lead to interesting results, such as hypersonic flight, quantum gravity computers, smart black holes, the transition from artificial to natural intelligence, and currently relevant, (inexhaustible) sources of energy. A book that holistic thinkers should read.”
~Iztok Peruš, Assoc. Prof. PhD, BSc Civil Engineering, University of Maribor.
“This book is not for the faint of heart. Norbert Schwarzer brings his A-game by combining quantum physics, relativity theory and war theory into a deep exploration of not only civilization level conflict but also answering the question of our place in the universe and what might be the reason we have not heard from other advanced civilizations in space…. highly recommend this thought provoking and deeply scientific work.”
~Christopher Stone, Senior Fellow for Space Deterrence, National Institute for Deterrence Studies and author of Reversing the Tao: A Framework for Credible Space Deterrence.
[1] N. Schwarzer, “The Quantum Gravity War: How will the Nearby Unification of Physics Change Future Warfare?”, 2024, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814968584
To be published in April 2024 ( )
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 57 – Animation of the new SIO Market Calculator

Sometimes, when looking quite intensely for explanations in certain fields and for certain observations [1] one finds something else… something one wasn’t actually looking for, but only dragged the topic in, because one was hoping to find a suitable tool in there, a tool for the original problem. When then in the end not only the original problem can be solved but there is also a nice little contribution to the field which was only dragged in to help solving the first thing, then one might call this a nice byproduct.
Our “nice little byproduct”, when trying to find better tools for the mathematical handling of coatings and thin films, was the discovery of matter inside the Einstein-Hilbert action. Matter namely was never found by Einstein nor Hilbert, but had to be postulated and explicitly placed inside the General Theory of Relativity [1, 2] by the two geniuses.
Of course, we are aware of the fact that just claiming “We found matter inside the Einstein-Hilbert action!” would probably only lead to some severe head-shaking. It is for this reason that we here present the corresponding mathematical proof. According to our CEO, the appearance of the matter energy tensor from just a somewhat more holistic handling of Hilbert’s derivation of the Einstein-Field-Equations “is so very much obvious, so darn like a white elephant in the room that one probably has to have a rather primitive mind-set, which is to say a mind-set like mine, in order to be able to spot it … and I insist on the phrase “spotting it”, because it is no discovering, no creating of a new theory and definitively it is no finding something! It is spotting something which has been in plain sight for more than one hundred years! It is the white elephant not just standing in every scientist’s office or living room, but sitting on his desk, joining him on the toilet and laying in his bed.” But as it is with many obvious things, they are often the more difficult to see. It is for this reason that we think we better present the proof directly in connection with the claim.
Here it is:

And the only thing one has to do in order to spot this is to separately consider the volume part of the metric tensor:

and then repeat the derivation of the Einstein-Hilbert action in just the classical way [1].
It should be noted that there are more options to obtain matter, but they are similar to the process given above and are presented in [3].

[1] In this case it was with respect to a better and more general mathematical handling of coatings and surfaces in all sorts of applications, which drove our CEO, Dr. Norbert Schwarzer, ever deeper into the various fields of theoretical physics. So, one reads on the cover of [3] the following text: “The only thing Norbert Schwarzer considers important enough to be known about him is that he does not consider himself important. Dr. Schwarzer has published a variety of papers, mainly in the fields of basic research and application of contact mechanical approaches for laminates, composites, and layered materials. Because of the need for better stability prediction and socioeconomic models, he started to apply concepts from theoretical physics in more down-to-earth fields such as materials science, school transport, and sales market analysis. Some of this work has finally led to ideas for the improvement of the original theoretical concepts.”
[1] D. Hilbert, Die Grundlagen der Physik, Teil 1, Göttinger Nachrichten, 395-407 (1915)
[2] A. Einstein, Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Annalen der Physik (ser. 4), 49, 769–822
[3] N. Schwarzer: “The Math of Body, Soul and the Universe”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN 9789814968249
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 56 – Animation of the new SIO Market Calculator
The following short video animation shows how the new SIO market calculator is working:
It visualizes how market impactors (different channels) influence the minds of your potential customers to try to get through their resistance layers in order to reach the core of the customers’ mind core. If enough “pressure” reaches the mind core, the customers will be convinced and the market impactors achieved their goals. The bigger the imprint on the mind core, the more people are convinced.
Watch this short 70sec video to find out more:

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 55 – The Deliverance of Schrödinger’s Cat
The so-called covariance principle is one of the cornerstones of physics. It demands every fundamental physical laws to be formulated in such a way that it can be considered totally independent on the coordinated system being chosen to mathematically treat a certain physical object, system or entity.
However, especially in material science, we often face problems where the change of perspectivity (the coordinate system) brings in new degrees of freedom. Let’s just take the example to move from spherical to elliptical coordinates, where we suddenly have the additional parameter of eccentricity. In mechanical testing it could be the transition from symmetric to asymmetric indenter tips, for instance. Strictly speaking, such additional degrees of freedom change the dimensionality of the problem and thus, violate the covariance principle in the sense that its classical definition does not truly allow for transformations with inconsistent parameter numbers.
Hence, great care is of need when dealing with corresponding applications, because there we often haven (typical for practical things) the situation with the higher number of dimensions, while we try to understand, model and simulate the same problem with a much simpler ansatz with lower dimensionality. Bringing the application and the model (often also the testing in R&D and quality control) closer together should be the goal if one wants to avoid failure and unhappy customers.
[357] N. Schwarzer, “The Covariance Principle is Dead, Long Live the Covariance Principle – How Quantum Gravity Kills a Cornerstone of Physics”, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0C96L41LS

In the references mentioned below, it has been shown that the so-called collapse of the wave function has its bearing in quantum gravity either via a transition from superposable linearity to non-linearity or via an entanglement function or vector acting as “global decision maker.” The author, our CEO, also showed that Schrödinger’s cat would already be dead when performing the necessary preparations for the experiment. Hence, the dead or alive question is de facto dead.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
[349] N. Schwarzer, “The Death of Schrödinger’s Cat – How Quantum Gravity Solves the Problem of the Wave Function Collapse”, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0C2444JZX
[364] N. Schwarzer, “Hugh Everett’s Multiverse – How Quantum Gravity Revives an old Idea and – Perhaps – Gives it a Second Life”, self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CCQWC6YX
[367] N. Schwarzer, “God’s Programming Language – The Quantum Gravity Code for Everything”, self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CK2T9K83
SIO the other newsletter – No. 54 – Material Science and the Covariance Principle – A Slightly Problematic Aspect
The so-called covariance principle is one of the cornerstones of physics. It demands every fundamental physical laws to be formulated in such a way that it can be considered totally independent on the coordinated system being chosen to mathematically treat a certain physical object, system or entity.
However, especially in material science, we often face problems where the change of perspectivity (the coordinate system) brings in new degrees of freedom. Let’s just take the example to move from spherical to elliptical coordinates, where we suddenly have the additional parameter of eccentricity. In mechanical testing it could be the transition from symmetric to asymmetric indenter tips, for instance. Strictly speaking, such additional degrees of freedom change the dimensionality of the problem and thus, violate the covariance principle in the sense that its classical definition does not truly allow for transformations with inconsistent parameter numbers.
Hence, great care is of need when dealing with corresponding applications, because there we often haven (typical for practical things) the situation with the higher number of dimensions, while we try to understand, model and simulate the same problem with a much simpler ansatz with lower dimensionality. Bringing the application and the model (often also the testing in R&D and quality control) closer together should be the goal if one wants to avoid failure and unhappy customers.
[357] N. Schwarzer, “The Covariance Principle is Dead, Long Live the Covariance Principle – How Quantum Gravity Kills a Cornerstone of Physics”, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0C96L41LS

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 53 – Market Temperature
Our last newsletter No. 52 (from October 17, 2023) brought some interesting feedback:
An attentive reader informed us that we have forgotten to give the reference. Sorry for that! Here it is:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:, manuscript sent in on 14th Sep. 2023
Another reader wanted to know how our model would distinguish between different age groups or highly ordered on one hand, and more volatile target customers on the other. This is a very good question, because the equivalence to the “substance” distinguishing various states of order in material science is just temperature. In order to clearly show this, we just need a bit of systems science… and customer groups, even whole societies, are but socio-economic systems. The two illustrations below give the example of a highly homogenous and ordered target customer (elderly) group next to a more heterogenic and disordered (younger) one. It is clear from this analogy how also the “mind-set parameters” have to be adjusted in order to account for the different behavioral patterns of the two groups.
The only problem we need to point out here, is that the market-temperature is not a scalar, but that it is different for every degree of freedom of the system and hence, we have to deal with a tensor.
In many problems in material science, by the way, this is also the case (and sometimes even essential), but it is usually ignored… not seldom with quite disastrous effects for the too-far-off models and the subsequent application.

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 52 – Prototype Market Calculator
The Concept of stress and strains outside the world of material science?!
Is it an accident that our everyday language is permanently taking refuge in the field of material deformation in order to describe financial, market, socio-economic and psychological aspects?
Is it an accident that – after a corresponding request from some of our partners – our attempt to mathematically grasp the field of psychology [1] immediately contained the mathematical equivalences of stresses, strains, distortion, defects and so on?
About 150 years ago there was a breakthrough in a field we today know as material science. Where scientists introduced the concept of stresses and strains and applied it to technical mechanics there was an explosion in technology like the Cambrian evolutionary explosion in life on Earth. The explosive growth was in all technical fields leading to new weapons, ships (Queen Mary, Titanic), Model T Ford, empire state building, World War I and World War II developments etc.
This technology breakthrough never would have been possible without the visualization of stress and strain fields in engineering, allowing engineers to understand much better (and predict) the behavior of materials. Why is it not so well known? Well, because historians are not so good in Math and Engineering to see the link. Of course, there were also other reasons for the technological progress, but we are convinced that the influence of those new concepts in material science are ruefully underestimated.
And because the stress-strain concept can be difficult to grasp at first, it was never applied elsewhere! Now imagine what it will do for those who leverage it first in any other field?
Marketing/Psychology, Finance, Socio-economics to name a few.
Stresses and strains are simply everywhere. Understanding this concept and learning to read its signs will allow you to create your very own quantum leap in your own field of expertise.

We’d love to get any feedback and start a discussion with interested readers – feel free to contact us:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 51 – Today: Back to scarce materials – feedback from our readers
Our newsletter No. 48 and the following discussion in newsletter No. 49 still engage our readers and give us even more feedback that we want to share today:
Feedback:Could this be used for reverse optimizing coating structures?
Yes, the software development in Phase 2 will allow such reverse optimization, however, there are software modules available now to manually optimize layered structures and to also add in structural defects, but the latter also requires a special intensive training component to properly use it.
Feedback:What about optical properties and optical layer stacks for reflectance or absorption of certain frequencies?
Yes of course, the goal of phase 2 is for any property of interest to be reverse optimized. With sufficient computing, multiple properties could be optimized at once to find the best compromise (where advancing one aspect leads to degradation of another).
Share your feedback with us as well!
Contact us if you are interested in the project! Get in touch with Troy vom Braucke, to discuss project partner responsibilities/duties and cost.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 50 – Today: Can one man change the world without showing his hand?
Can one man change the world without showing his hand?
And what has this to do with material science?
We start with the material science aspect of the 2-fold question from above.
Thereby the question was brought forth to our CEO, Norbert Schwarzer, whether a single and most localized, which is to say almost point-like, defect could influence an ensemble of atoms or molecules withing a component in such a way that it (the defect) dramatically influences the properties of the component, but does not show itself as the culprit for the observed parameter change.
Our CEO had the answer ready within an instant, because he had already dealt with this question in connection with a slightly different and rather more theoretical application, namely the physical riddle about dark matter and energy [1]. The answer is mathematically clear: It is possible that a certain defect creates a parameter change for a – compared to its own size – huge area inside any material structure without showing itself. Thereby the source only needs to radiate its influence in a certain attitude which leads to a suitable collection of plane waves, which are themselves just superposed signals coming from the defect in the following form:

An outside observe, however, would only see the plane waves and cannot make out the source.
From this automatically follows, that now engineers, who cannot find the source for a certain global failure mechanism in a who-knows-what for an application, have just the perfect excuse.
Only measurements of very local character would allow to move further forward in such cases. In mechanics, for instance, this could be Nanoindentation and highly sensitive scratch and tribo-tests, potentially combined with the so-called “calo method” for higher depth sensitivity [2, 3].
Now we are ready to also answer the question in the main title, which reads:
“Can one man change the world without showing his hand?”
Well, as it is shown in [4], in bigger socio-economic systems (societies), single individuals or even groups of the latter are radiating their influence to the environment (rest of the society) in multidimensional sphere-like waves. Thus, the mathematical structures of any form of communication or information-transmittance is quite similar to the ones shown in the equation above and hence, are equipped with the same potential to be superposed to globally appearing (and acting) as apparent plane waves. Clearly it follows, a global influencer, does not necessarily need to show his face (or hand) in a potentially evil game, changing the world really badly. Unfortunately, we can’t think of any example where something like this has been done in the past or is currently being attempted… but at least we now know that there is such a possibility.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part LXXIX: Dark Matter Options”, Self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2019, Kindle.
[4] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:, manuscript sent in on 14th Sep. 2023.
SIO the other newsletter – No. 49 – Today: Go boldly where no man has gone before!
A paradigm shift in Materials design optimization for any market sector.

In the few weeks after this post on scarce materials replacements we got some insightful and interesting feedback, such as this:
- It is not just finding rare earth replacements that was interesting but the concept of ‘substitution’ as a whole new market opportunity.
- it allows you a better price negotiation potential on material suppliers
- it allows for options on different development paths and to increase your intellectual property options if competitors get closer in performance, that is you can keep up your sleeve the best performance options and only bring them out when needed.
- it provides a variety of options for getting around patent road blocks or protecting your own IP.
- more to come
Contact us if you are interested in the project – and you might just find yourself becoming the market leader! Get in touch with Troy vom Braucke to discuss project partner responsibilities/duties and cost.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO-Post No. 48: Finding Rare Earth material performance alternatives to mitigate supply chain risk and lower costs
Today we have a very interesting and hot topic to present: we want to talk about a project opportunity for you:
Scarce Material Replacements – project opportunity to mitigate supply chain risks, lower costs and accelerate product development timelines – design optimization for rare earth or scarce material alternatives!
Mitigate supply chain disruption and find low-cost abundant alternatives for scarce and expensive materials (rare earths, precious metals, etc.)
The following image is from a 2021 article shared on the visual capitalist, covering what rare earths are, some application uses, where they come from and the supply chain.
(source: “… tight control of the supply of these important metals has the world searching for their own supplies“)

A solution to efficiently find alternatives to these materials is needed for a wide range of technical products from chip manufacturing to batteries and solar cells to reduce;
- supply chain dependence on Rare Earths.
- costly materials with cheaper more abundant ones without loss of performance
The project goal is to find material combinations to achieve similar properties to the rare earth element being replaced, a solution that can start with a performance requirement and work backward to the composition needed to achieve it.
Current State of art:
- Molecular Dynamics (MD), Boundary Element (BE), Finite Element (FE) methods are all too computationally slow & costly.
- they rely on half empirical sensitivity analysis, but the errors become too high very quickly!
MD ~5% starting error,
FEM/Boundary Element ~3% starting error
- these methods can’t achieve the precision needed and are not invertible for reverse optimization!
Join our Project Consortium
If you are interested in joining a project consortium to gain early access, we are developing a demonstrator concept as a first phase:
- FilmDoctor is the only tool that will have this capability. As any solution must have the world formula approach to extend the capability to arbitrary properties, which are attributes or degrees-of-freedom and these are just dimensions.
- A fully reversible/invertible analytical physics model without loss of accuracy.
- Computationally efficient.
Phase 1: Theoretical Demonstrator
- development of FilmDoctor techniques to demonstrate mechanical aspects up to 100 layers.
- show substitution of mechanical properties of rare earths.
Phase 2: Extend to the other properties of interest
- electrical, dielectric, optical etc.
- requires World Formula approach [1] where any other property can be calculated and optimized.
- design and optimize an example problem (consortium partner material) to replace the scarce materials.
- Use plasma deposition system to produce low-cost demonstrator material as a rare earth replacement
- Accelerate product development timelines of thin film nanomaterials for many potential materials applications such as chip manufacturing, solar, battery, hydrogen storage, energy efficient glazing, busbars, etc.
- Start from a customer performance requirement and calculate backward to the optimum material solution.
- Can be used by companies to get around blocking patents.
- Can be used by companies to build a moat around existing patents.
Get in touch with Troy vom Braucke to discuss project partner responsibilities/duties and cost. Costs are dependent on participation in both phases, number of consortium partners, software user license’s desired for the end product and what partners can contribute ‘in-kind’ to the project execution.

[1] N. Schwarzer, “Quantum Gravity War – How will the nearby unification of physics change the future of warfare”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814968584
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “The Quantum Gravity War – How will the Nearby Unification of Physics Change Future Warfare?”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814968584
SIO the other newsletter – No. 47 – Today: The Viscoelastic Space-Time
There was one (just one) complaint about our most recent newsletter.
The criticism was about the fact that our newsletters had nothing to do with material science.
This is quite understandable, because a question like:
“What would the violation of the covariance principle help me in better understanding my multi-layer coating?”
is more than reasonable.
But let’s just consider viscose or otherwise time-dependent material behavior. Classically, which is to say in standard material science, this has been treated via functional approaches and usually does not lead to very practicable results. However, when introducing time into the elastic theory as another dimension (like the spatial dimensions), many things become much simpler.
Thereby one simply applies the following connection between a metric theory and a generalized elasticity:

In the case of perfect isotropy this would lead to the following connector (Young’s modulus tensor):

Thereby we have used the symmetries of the transformation (being the same for F and the Young’s modulus tensor) and applied the Klein-Voigt presentation for shortage. The reader will already have recognized the typical form of a Young’s modulus tensor, only that it is not in three, but in four material dimensions. Thus, it automatically includes different time behavior at each position in space, giving a much greater flexibility to describe real material problems.
In order to consider an example, we here present the stress field (von Mises stress) from a pulling force in space-time according to the elastic solution of the Quantum Einstein-Field-Equations, evaluated with the software FilmDoctor® using the results from [1].

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “The Quantum Gravity War – How will the Nearby Unification of Physics Change Future Warfare?”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814968584
SIO the other newsletter – No. 46 – Today: the covariance principle is dead – long live the covariance principle!
There was quite some resonance in connection with our last newsletter No. 45 (see below).
Most people wanted to know how our 13year old son could have made the necessary experiences to allow him to find such an interesting metaphor… an aspect, we will – of course – not elaborate here ( let’s say: for reasons of data protection 😊)
A few others, however, wanted to know what there is to discuss about the so-called covariance principle.
This we are willing to discuss, especially as it will totally suffice to just bring the abstract of one of our publications on the matter [1].
The so-called covariance principle is one of the cornerstones of physics. It demands every fundamental physical law to be formulated in such a way that it can be considered totally independent on the coordinated system being chosen to mathematically treat a certain physical object, system, or entity.
However, there seems to be a very simple way to bypass this law and it looks like that the universe has made quite some use of this possibility during its evolution.
After deriving all fundamental quantum equations from the Einstein-Hilbert action, we have learned that quantum theory is just a part of the General Theory of Relativity. In fact, it is the volume part of the metric and shows itself inside the Einstein theory via a scaled metric tensor, which is subjected to the usual Hamilton treatment.
With this perception we realize that all degrees of freedom of a physical system in a quantum gravity framework are just dimensions. Treating them this way it becomes clear that changing the symmetry from certain coordinates within a space-time of n dimensions to a symmetry or coordinates with n dimensions plus p parameters is equivalent to just moving to a new space-time with n+p dimensions. Thus, the change of symmetry, respectively the coordinate system changes the number of dimensions, hence violates the covariance principle.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “The Covariance Principle is Dead, Long Live the Covariance Principle – How Quantum Gravity Kills a Cornerstone of Physics”, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0C96L41LS
SIO the other newsletter – No. 45 – Today: the perfect “metaphor”
During a sailing trip, discussing this and that, my 13year old son wanted to know why we had to postpone the boat trip and I had told him that this was because of an important telephone-conference.
Naturally, he then wanted to know what this conference was about and I explained to him that it had to do with a thing physicists call the covariance principle and how it might play an important role in the question of the accessibility of information in a bundle of data.
“And why is this important?” my son asked (probably he wanted to know why this was important enough to shorten our boat trip by one day)
Usually I’m looking for good examples, I could explain things with, but here none wanted to come forth and so I started very theoretically:
“While sets of data can contain loads of information it is not always clear how to access this information. In some cases it even seems that these data cannot be disentangled at all and the information is hidden forever.”
The puzzled look on my son’s face showed me that I could not leave it just there, but still struggling for an adequate example I decided to stick with the theory.
“Yes, I know that this sounds strange, but mathematically it looks like a black hole or a set of black holes in a structure we call multi-tori. All the information is in there and you know that it is there, but you cannot extract it.”
Now it looked like Felix started to get an idea about what I meant to say and so I pressed on:
“The math also shows that there are many things or systems having these structures, hiding information, making stuff you want to know inaccessible for you. It can be really frustrating: the things is right there, you can see it, even touch it, but at the same time you do so, you realize that you never truly get to know it.”
Now the bright blue eyes of my thirdborn were radiating and in a tone of absolute epiphany he said:
“Like girls!”

If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 44 – Today: interesting discussion & solution to the 3-generation problem of elementary particles in only one sentence
Answer of our CEO: “Actually, there is not much to write.”
Question: “?”
Our CEO: “I think one requires only one sentence to fully describe the solution.”
Question: “Really? Sorry, but this is a Nobel-prize problem and you not only claim that you have solved the problem, but also that you can put the whole thing in just one sentence.”
Our CEO: “Sorry, but I have never claimed to have solved the problem. I have said that I have probably found a way to solve it. There is a difference and I’d prefer the experts to judge and make up their own mind rather than claiming anything! But, in essence, yes, I think this what I have found also is the solution to the problem.”
Question: “And how would you describe it then… I mean the way to the solution, which also – apparently – is the solution?”
Our CEO: “Scalarizing the quantum Einstein-Field equations and applying the contracted Bianchi identity onto any metric leads to a differential equation of third order which has three solutions to a parameter we realize as mass.” [1]
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Shouldn’t Quantum Gravity Solve the 3-Generation Problem?”, to be published, Amazon Digital Services, ASIN: B0BXPXP33L, 2023, Kindle
SIO the other newsletter – No. 43 – Today: A Plasma-FilmDoctor trade show and the Question about the Chaos before the Big Bang
A professor for history saw the following picture of the booth of one of our partners, which was taken from a recent exhibition at a material science conference.

He was only interested in the books being on display there (therefore, please ignore our dear friend Frank Papa, alias Jesus, from GPPlasma on the left and focus on the small table on the right [1, 2, 3]) and had a peculiar question about them.
We guess, that the professor had seen the picture in one of our friend’s posts on substack or linkedIn or was made aware of the books by another visitor of the trade show.
He asked our CEO whether there is a mathematical way to prove that there was “chaos” before the creation of the universe, respectively the big bang.
One should add at this point that the professor has Jewish roots and that the idea of chaos before “everything” is one of the cornerstones of the Hebrew genesis narrative withing their old monotheistic philosophy.
Our CEO answered the question as follows:
Dear Prof. X,
I’m not sure whether the word “proof” would be justified, but definitively there is a mathematical concept which fundamentally allows for something totally different before the actual creation.
I’m sure that you are familiar with the Hamilton extremal principle and its manifestation for arbitrary Riemann attribute ensembles in form of the Einstein-Hilbert action [4]:

Generalization (scaling) of the metric as follows [2, 3]:

brings you to (here only simplest metrics, while general ones are considered in [3]):

Performing the variation yields:

where the red rectangle gives the classical Einstein-Field-Equations [5], while the rest describes what we know as quantum theory… hence, we have a quantum gravity theory.
Now, the usual path forward is to just make the term in parentheses to zero, which – by the way – gives the classical field equations in the presence of quantum effects. This leads to all the physics we know, including General Theory of Relativity, Quantum Theory and even thermodynamics when considering ensembles of quantum and gravity centers.
But this is only half of the truth… in fact it is only one third, because we also have the option of the terms G (G=g*F^n…determinant of the scaled metric) and the variation of the scaled metric

being zero in order to fulfill the whole extremal principle. At first, for us only the option of g=0 is of interest, because in comparison to our classical physics, which is based on:

this is something completely different, quasi a paradigm shift and compared to what we know from our “daily” cognitive experience “chaos”.
And how strange would this new physics be then?
Well, I could give you the math but I don’t know whether this is of any help here. So let’s just say: “imagine the worst, multiply with infinity and take this to the power of infinity… then you might have just scratched the strangeness of the chaos being possible under such circumstances”.
Thus, there may well have been a “time” before “time” in which this “g=0-chaos” reigned and which then somehow switched into the other, the ordinary physics option and created what we recognize as our universe.
The fact that the g=0-condition also demands the universe to have no volume and that – according to the great theoreticians – the big bang is considered to have started with a tiny (even singular) universe, kind of even supports this idea of a “g=0-chaos before time”.
However, we should not forget the other option being:

This also turns out to be a possibility, as we always can expand:

Here we have an apparently lazy universe, with not much mood for any global variational dynamics.
There would only be an intrinsic activity.
We cannot exclude the universe (or its creator) having awoken from such a state.
But as such a situation also allows for an extremely strange physics, we might just also consider this as a “chaos” state and thus, “prove” the old genesis theory of the Hebrews with the two mathematical options:

and: g=0 right.
Best regards
[1] N. Schwarzer, “The Theory of Everything – Quantum and Relativity is everywhere – A Fermat Universe”, Pan Stanford Publishing, (2020), ISBN-10: 9814774472
[2] N. Schwarzer, “The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert ‘s Stroke of Genius”, ISBN: 9789814877206
[3] N. Schwarzer: “The Math of Body, Soul and the Universe”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN 9789814968249
[4] D. Hilbert, Die Grundlagen der Physik, Teil 1, Göttinger Nachrichten, 395-407 (1915)
[5] A. Einstein, Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Annalen der Physik (ser. 4), 49, 769–822
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 42 – Today: interview series about quantum gravity and its applications
Usually, our CEO, Norbert Schwarzer, prefers to calmly stay under the radar. But one of his partners, who actually wants to have him mathematically investigating something about an “inescapable catastrophe*”, recently pushed him to come out of hiding and present his skills to a few experts:

* “The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic”, G. Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD
Norbert developed an approach for the problem, which is based on a very fundamental apparatus [1, 2], added a mathematical description of the method (about 120 pages) and sent it to the man for evaluation. Not so familiar with the math himself, he forwarded the package to two of his best and most trustworthy friends to review.
Here is what they answered (excerpt):
Comment No. 1:
„Based on his work and proposed model, I can easily say that Norbert is really a genius!“
Comment No. 2:
“Thanks for shooting this over. I took a few minutes to look at the math and about fell out of my chair! I’m fairly well-versed in mathematics, but these formulas look like something an advanced AI would come up with!”
Well, we can assure you that Norbert is not a piece of advanced artificial intelligence but a real and rather ordinary person.
Nevertheless, with such highly praising comments, we think it might be worthwhile to explain the background of those quantum gravity findings and that is why a series of interviews arose that we would like to share in the following Newsletters.
Here is the first interview on Norbert’s Newton Gravity Derivation but uniquely from a Quantum-Gravity starting point:
[1] N. Schwarzer: “The Math of Body, Soul and the Universe”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN 9789814968249
[2] N. Schwarzer, “The Quantum Gravity War – How will the Nearby Unification of Physics Change Future Warfare?”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814968584
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 41 – Today: Scratch test analysis with the Calotte Module of FilmDoctor
Our two young interns again have published a new video in interview style. In part 2 of their explanation of the calotte Module in our FilmDoctor software, both boys go deeper into the question about scratch tests.
And why do they do this?
Because, only this way you can learn about the depth profile of your complex coating system in a sufficiently accurate way.
While other can only guess about their coating’s depth-profile properties, the Calo-method does show you and you would know!
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 40 – Today: New book on Quantum Gravity War
There are people who would like us to realize technically at least in parts what Norbert has created theoretically (is spread over several books and there are experiments which show that what he has derived works). However, for this we would be forced to move to so-called neutral ground for a certain project duration.
Well, because one fears abuse by the wrong forces and this for good reason. The latter will surely be easy to understand when you see the cover of Norbert’s next book which currently is in the making:

In many European countries, this would be completely impossible by now, and we assume the well-enlightened readers involved here will confirm this without hesitation for the most part.
We want exclusively the peaceful use of what is described in the book and break through just with Norbert’s “creations” the quintessence of Fermi’s famous paradox (namely, that civilizations automatically destroy themselves from a certain level of development) … not bring it forth.
Then why not just keep the whole thing secret?
Yes great, it has always worked with so many technologies, right?!
Can the rescue succeed?
Well, we don’t know, but when looking at “mankind” (or “womankind”, as it should be called politically correct today… which says everything right away and only confirms the now following text) at the moment, we can well imagine that it doesn’t even need the annihilation to confirm Fermi’s famous paradox. The current dumbing down and backward development in the so-called “West” also provides a good explanation.
However, the rampant stultification also offers the possibility of creating the very key technologies under the radar and outside certain zones that could allow the whole mess to be cleaned up again in the end.
If anyone is interested in supporting our efforts, we are grateful for any help… well, and we’re sure our (and your!) kids are too….
[1] N. Schwarzer, “The Quantum Gravity War – How will the Nearby Unification of Physics Change Future Warfare?”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814968584
upcoming book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 39 – Today: scratch videos on a coating system – the virtual patient tool
In addition to our newsletter 32 about the virtual patient for a coating system, we present the tomographic view of a scratch test on a simple one-layer-coating substrate system today.
The following short video clips show 4 different shots of a scratch calculated from 1 to 10 N on the 6 µm thick one-layer system:
Video 1:
Video 2:

Video 3:
Video 4:
For convenience we here repeat the text from the newsletter 32 mentioned above:
Sometimes you have to SEE in order to believe, but instead of believing, wouldn’t it be better to actually KNOW?
The virtual patient – Your Coating System may be one and we have the right tool for the anamnesis and diagnosis: The new FilmDoctor Tomograph
The video gives a first impression of this new feature to SEE in order to KNOW and shows the stress distribution (von Mises stresses) under a mechanical contact for a layered system.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 38 – Today: Explaining SIO Calo Indent Method – watch this video
Julius (16Y) & Felix Schwarzer (13Y) explain how the “Calo Indent Method” – or short: Calotte – helps to get an accurate property profile of a multilayer system. This software tool has been developed by the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics – SIO – and is available in the software “FilmDoctor Studio”. Difficult to use? – Not at all! Just watch the two teenagers having fun in this video…
If you want to know more, visit Frank Papa’s talks and his team at their booth at ICMCTF in San Diego next week!
For more questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 37 – Today: Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core – Part II
Following our last week’s newsletter, here comes part 2 of a mathematical psychology:
Recently, one of our customers asked about the model-creation and simulation of the following psychological aspects:
- How can we understand the overcoming of the mental personal protective wall of an intelligent entity?
- How comes that “all of a sudden,” after days, weeks or even months of pondering on a certain problem, we often experience the whole thought process come to an end and one idea sticks out of the previous chaotic ensemble as the only clear solution? How could we understand / model / simulate this mechanism?
- How can we understand “this funny feeling” of thoughts flowing almost freely in our mind, forming some kind of fog… us not being able to really grasp them / get a clear picture?
- How can we understand the planting of an alien idea into someone’s conscious mind without the target person realizing the “inception”?
- … more to come
Obviously, our customer is very interested in what we call “psychological marketing” and it is probably no surprise that we can allocate him to the so-called influencer scene… only that we are talking about the mighty force behind the whole scene and not the often peculiar and funny web-actors in front of the camera.
In this little series of newsletters, we want to shed some light on the topic and this is not only because marketing – of course – is of very general concern also to our “usual” more material science orientated customers, who all have to deal with their very own marketing problems, but also because we will learn – in due course – that the apparent “pure psycho-related” topics from above are indeed related to very fundamental scientific aspects.
In this newsletter we want to consider problem b), namely:
“How comes that “all of a sudden,” after days, weeks or even months of pondering on a certain problem, we often experience the whole thought process come to an end and one idea sticks out of the previous chaotic ensemble as the only clear solution? How could we understand / model / simulate this mechanism?”
Imagine a computer, a massive parallel computer, I mean, where you allow several programs to run parallel and all programs are treating the same problem. However, the programs have very unsharp starting conditions and so, each program will probably start from a different point and come to a different solution. There may also be intermediate processes with unsharp boundaries leading to even more diversity of the computer’s portfolio of “thoughts” in the matter it is working on. The computer is been left alone for a while to “mull over the problem” with its internal or intrinsic processing and the user (observer) on the outside has no inkling about this inner happening. Then, at some point, the observer presses a button and forces the computer to come to a conclusion. From all those many solutions or half-solutions the various programs inside the computer came up with, one has to be selected. Our computer has to make a decision.
Now just substitute the word “computer” by “intelligent entity”, “mind” or just “brain” and you might ask yourself how this frequent experience every one of us goes through many times a day (ok, politicians and main stream media folks excluded) can theoretically be understood and potentially even modelled.
Well, the answer – as surprising as it may sound – can be given via a tiny little extension of standard Quantum Theory. The so-called “collapse of the wave function” effect is all we need.
We just cite from the book [1] and our short paper on the same matter [2]:
What classically appears as wave function in quantum theory is just the volume or scale fluctuation of the metric in a Quantum Gravity theory. Thereby the classical wave function determines the metric volume perturbation and vanishes in the far distance of the quantum object under consideration. As the metric, respectively its volume usually is much bigger than the fluctuations of the same and as the quantum effects tend to wear off rather quickly, quantum theory only becomes important at smaller scales (usually, which is to say under ordinary energy, temperature, and gravity conditions).
What classically appears as potential is just the entanglement of dimensions.
We also conclude that any space or space-time of properties, attributes, degrees of freedom or – YES – dimensions, apparently no matter what it is, can:
- produce coherent states due to possible settings for the volume part of the metric, allowing for linear partial differential equations and thus, additivity of eigen-solutions for the wave functions. These eigen-solutions, respectively, the ensembles of eigen solutions are just perturbations existing on these very properties, attributes, degrees of freedom or – YES – dimensions in accordance with our linearized Quantum Gravity Field Equations.
- When the system is “nudged” (perturbed) the frail setting, which allowed for the linearity of the quantum gravity field equations, is destroyed and the additivity is lost. The system “has to make a decision” about in which eigenstate to exist in and the wave function collapses, because – after the nudging – it has to satisfy a non-linear field equation.
The important finding, when deriving the wave function collapse via our metric approach, is the generality of the effect. It is by no means restricted to small particles and quantum fields. But by adjusting the parameters (Planck constant and mass) to the experimental findings, we see that indeed only “things” with small masses and a limited number of degrees of freedom have a chance of showing significant coherence in order to achieve the delicate states allowing for quantum gravity linearity. Schrödinger’s cat can therefore never be realized, because coherence of a system as big as a cat requires cooling the “thing” down to absolute zero, thereby killing the cat for sure and rendering the question about the combined dead-alive-state of the Schrödinger cat completely meaningless.
Bearing on “Quantum Psychology”
It is evident that the metric understanding of the quantum collapse of the wave function in spaces of space-times with any arbitrary property automatically has some significant bearing on the psychological aspect of decision making.
In somewhat clearer words: We can just say that the collapse of the wave function, based on the “catastrophic” event of passing from linearity to non-linearity and thus, from superposition to singularity allows the understanding of the evolution of an ensemble of ideas towards a final decision. All this – of course – is also related to marketing (“Quantum Gravity Marketing” one might suggest as a general expression for these general tools) and thus, of much broader interest and with many more fields of applications than the lesser holistic reader might think.
And why do I think that the quantum or rather the quantum gravity approach is the right one for all mind things?
Well, if I were wrong about the quantum-mind-connection, the Dunning-Kruger dependency would never have come out of the generalized Planck radiation law (see [3]) regarding the emittance of confidence.
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, upcoming book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:
[2] N. Schwarzer, “The Death of Schrödinger’s Cat – How Quantum Gravity Solves the Problem of the Wave Function Collapse”, Self-published, ASIN: B0C2444JZX, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
[3] N. Schwarzer, “Why Tucker Carlson is Perfectly Right about the WEF-People – A Mathematical Proof”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BSTGKC6F, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 36 – Today: cognitive dissonance – Can Quantum Gravity help to understand and even cure this wide spread disease?
After our recent newsletter regarding a new kind of “Mathematical Psychology” which was previously sent around by some of our partners overseas, we received quite some feedback.
Thank you!
One question which was asked many times was about the so-called cognitive dissonance. So, we here want to present a discussion between Norbert Schwarzer and Troy vom Braucke, where the two got side-tracked on this topic of simulating ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ as a pre-condition to create a biased mind to be susceptible to false narratives and illogic behavior.
The elephant in the room
Troy: Recently I caught up with an old friend of mine. He works for an insurance company and falling under his supervision is the department where they handle pensions. He told me that they currently have so many deaths to handle that they almost about to crack under the work load. I asked him to what reason he would account for all this “all of a sudden” “excess mortality.” But even with all the key words given, he answered that this probably has something to do with climate change, and that in spring there are always more deaths… but that it never was this many. Can you believe that, Norbert?
Norbert: Of course, I can! I know enough of these headcases myself. The three monkeys with the fourth on top who does not want to think… or cannot think, which comes down to the same thing.
Troy: Cognitive Dissonance, right?
Norbert: Yes!
Troy: Well, actually I had already asked myself whether you would be able to use your general approach… I mean this “mathematical psychology” [1] as you have coined it… and model this kind of behavior?
Norbert: Actually, I have already done this!
Troy: Really, why didn’t you tell anybody?
Norbert (shrugging): No idea?! Didn’t see much importance in the topic… thought the quantum gravity derivation of the origin of the Dunning and Kruger effect [2] would be much more interesting – I thought it might help me to understanding my own stupidity, you see?!
Troy (shaking his head in obvious disbelieve): …?
Troy (after a few moments and a little bit more head shaking… with the final shake similar to the one a person does in order to shake off an irksome fly): So just tell me already, what did you find there?!
Norbert: Actually, there isn’t much about it. You simply have to understand how we evaluate the truth about things. Taking a holistic mathematical approach, this process is just an optimization procedure… finding a minimum in a multi-dimensional and highly jointed landscape. If everything goes the normal way, you are able to find this minimum and this brings you close to the truth.
Troy: Why only close and not there?
Norbert: This is just the uncertainty residing in all things. The quantum gravity approach I used automatically takes care about this uncertainty and assures that no determinism is possible. In other words: you never know everything and thus, the topography of your multi-dimensional and most badly jointed landscape is never fully known… there is always a limit to the resolution of the “map.”
Troy: Yes, that is clear… and how does this bring you to the cognitive dissonance?
Norbert: Well, the optimization actually is a minimization of the energy. I have to try and find the ground state as only this one holds the truth… the true one, I mean.
Troy: Ok…ay?
Norbert: This process works best, respectively, is only possible in an environment of low energy or little excitement if you so will. Permanent jitter and nudging, pushing, poking from the outside or the inside disturbs the process or – even worse – brings my search vector off course and directs it into completely wrong ways. So, if I have to exist in an environment of high disturbance, which is just equivalent to high temperature or any other kind of energy, I have to isolate myself from the disturbances. I other words: Before I can perform a proper truth-seeking, I have to cleanse my surrounding, mentally cool down and lower my internal thought-level of excitement to underneath the truth level I’m keen to find. Without this cleansing process, I’m unable to even see the landscape in a sufficiently good resolution and my truth-seeking ends at a by far too high, which is to say untruthful, level.
Troy: And the outside temperature, energy or whatever field is there … it causes this ‘damaging’ of your internal truth-seeking capability, right?
Norbert: Exactly Troy! The permanent bombardment with false narratives does not only direct your search vector into the wrong direction, but also hinders it to cool down and the cleansing before you could even think about performing a good truth-seeking process, because your landscape resolution is abysmal. And if you are permanently hindered in reaching a sufficiently cool enough energy or low excitement state, you will never clearly see the fissures and thus, never find the bottom… the true one, I mean. Even worse: unable to reach the lower states, you can easily be pushed around and nudged into directions where you find everything but the truth.
Troy: That’s the state of cognitive dissonance then, right?
Norbert: Yes!
Troy (with brief meditative thought before answering): … Wow! And let me guess, the cure is to remove the environmental excitement field?
Norbert: Yes, but there is a difficulty. The downfall from a high false-truth state comes nothing short of a mental disaster. It is extremely painful and therefore the severely cognitive dissonant person tries everything to hold on to the false narrative… no matter what it costs. It is like the resolution of an exited state in the laser. There needs to be some push to make the person jump and really wanting to find the truth. The cleansing of the environment and the switching off of the perturbation or false-narrative-push field is only half the job to make the patient see. You also have to force them to open their eyes and jump.
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, upcoming book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:
[2] N. Schwarzer, “Why Tucker Carlson is Perfectly Right about the WEF-People – A Mathematical Proof”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BSTGKC6F, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 35 – Today: Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core – Part I
Recently, one of our customers asked about the model-creation and simulation of the following psychological aspects:
- How can we understand the overcoming of the mental personal protective wall of an intelligent entity?
- How comes that “all of a sudden,” after days, weeks or even months of pondering on a certain problem, we often experience the whole thought process come to an end and one idea sticks out of the previous chaotic ensemble as the only clear solution? How could we understand / model / simulate this mechanism?
- How can we understand “this funny feeling” of thoughts flowing almost freely in our mind, forming some kind of fog… us not being able to really grasp them / get a clear picture?
- How can we understand the planting of an alien idea into someone’s conscious mind without the target person realizing the “inception”?
- … more to come…
Obviously, our customer is very interested in what we call “psychological marketing” and it is probably no surprise that we can allocate him to the so-called influencer scene… only that we are talking about the mighty force behind the whole scene and not the often peculiar and funny web-actors in front of the camera.
In this little series of newsletters, we want to shed some light on the topic and this is not only because marketing – of course – is of very general concern also to our “usual” more material science orientated customers, who all have to deal with their very own marketing problems, but also because we will learn – in due course – that the apparent “pure psycho-related” topics from above are indeed related to very fundamental scientific aspects.
In this newsletter we start with problem a), namely:
“How can we understand the overcoming of the mental personal protective wall of an intelligent entity?”
It is probably quite illustrative to understand someone’s guard as a semipermeable potential wall, guarded by a more or less intelligent and attentive sentinel. Behind the wall one should find – at least in healthy and sane individuals – some kind of critical field of enough viscosity so to moderate the incoming “ideas” in order to critically analyze them… at one’s leisure. Nuclear physicists may be reminded of the moderator in fusion reactors, which slows the neutrons down so that they can be absorbed by U238-nuclei and bring them to split.
While the moderator process might be rather easily modelled via a “ping-pong” of thought [1, 3] in a viscose fluid, we lack a suitable mathematical description of the process of “ideas” getting through the wall or passing apparently unnoticed and unhindered by the sentinel.
What kind of model could possibly be used for this process?
Well, the answer – as surprising as it may sound – can be given via standard Quantum Theory. The so-called tunnel effect is all we need.
We just cite from the book [1] and our short paper on the same matter [2]:
What classically appears as wave function in quantum theory is just the volume or scale fluctuation of the metric in a Quantum Gravity theory. Thereby the classical wave function determines the metric volume perturbation and vanishes in the far distance of the quantum object under consideration. As the metric, respectively its volume usually is much bigger than the fluctuations of the same and as the quantum effects tend to wear off rather quickly, quantum theory only becomes important at smaller scales (usually, which is to say under ordinary energy, temperature, and gravity conditions).
What classically appears as potential is just the entanglement of dimensions.
We also conclude that any property, attribute, degree of freedom or – YES – dimension, apparently no matter what it is, can:
- produce a “happening”, which is to say a perturbation existing on this very property, attribute, degree of freedom or – YES – dimension in accordance with our Quantum Gravity Field Equations and
- this perturbation can overcome barriers of finite heights and widths, even if the energy of the perturbation is lower than the barrier’s height. This is just mirroring the classical quantum tunneling effect.
The important finding, when deriving the tunneling via our metric approach, is the generality of the effect. It is by no means restricted to small particles and quantum fields. But by adjusting the parameters (Planck constant and mass) to the experimental findings, we see that indeed only “things” with small masses have a chance of showing significant tunneling.
Bearing on “Quantum Psychology”
It is evident that the metric understanding of the quantum tunneling effect with any arbitrary property automatically has some significant bearing on the psychological aspect of influencing another person’s mind.
In somewhat clearer words: We can just say that the tunneling allows the understanding of getting ideas through somebodies’ guard and hook in (no matter how hard this somebody is fighting or mentally protecting himself). All this – of course – is also related to marketing (“Quantum Gravity Marketing” one might suggest as a general expression for these general tools) and thus, of much broader interest and with many more fields of applications than the lesser holistic reader might think.
And why do I think that the quantum approach is the right one for all mind things?
Well, if I were wrong about the quantum-mind-connection, the Dunning-Kruger dependency would never have come out of the generalized Planck radiation law (see [3]) regarding the emittance of confidence.
[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, upcoming book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:
[2] N. Schwarzer, “Understanding Quantum Tunneling – How can Quantum Gravity Help us to Get the Gist about this Strange Phenomenon”, Self-published, ASIN: B0C241FQH3, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
[3] N. Schwarzer, “Why Tucker Carlson is Perfectly Right about the WEF-People – A Mathematical Proof”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BSTGKC6F, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 34 – Today: back to the digital twin concept from last week
That is why, we have decided to bring you a brief follow-up
Troy: Norbert, some people have asked why you are so averse against this fashionable “digital twin” title with respect to coatings and the software concept of FilmDoctor?
Norbert: Do I really have to answer?
Troy: Yes, please!
Norbert: Hmm, I told you what – in my unhumble opinion – a true digital twin should be and even though I think that the FilmDoctor comes quite close to this, it is still not perfect… it is still no true twin. Hence my averse standing against this entitling.
Troy: And how would you call the FilmDoctor concept then?
Norbert: The Virtual Surface!
Troy: What do you mean by a virtual surface?
Norbert: Well, here is just an example for an every-day scratch test:
And remember: With such a tool, seeing is knowing, not only believing!
And here’s the interview from last week’s Newsletter again:
Troy: Hi Norbert, I have quite a few requests with respect to the digital twin of coating systems. Would you say that the FilmDoctor software could be such a thing?
Norbert (almost bored): Yes Troy, I have gotten this, too here. People have heard about this new “in vogue tool” they call “digital twin” and to me it often appears like the new Pokémon-hype. As with all these hypes, however, there are too many charlatans, who only want to profit from the boom. What they offer is usually rubbish, but they still can sell it, because the dim managers everywhere are now caught by the mass movement [1] and – as always – do not want to be left out. And there are those mediocre guys in the consulting and technical league who think that by jumping the bandwagon they might finally be able to do something for their own profile… something which does not necessarily help the team or company they are working for, of course.
Troy: But the concept must have its merits. Otherwise, it would not be so successful.
Norbert: Well Troy, let me remind you that the Pokémons were also quite a success and they were totally useless. But of course, years before the current digital twin hype was Prof. Leuenberger’s idea of the virtual patient [2, pp. 575] or our quantum gravity bank stress test model and quite a few other things [2], but if you asked me what a really good digital twin would be, then I’d define it as follows:
- It has to properly mirror its real counterpart
- It has to illustrate the counterpart’s inner workings and problematic features in an easy to understand way… which is to say understandable – if possible – also for the layman, so that not only so-called “experts” and holy priests “can predict an eclipse” and it should use our strongest sense, which is the optical one
- It should also provide tools for optimization, which is to say, after the understanding of a certain problem, failure mechanism or weakness, the digital twin must be able to assist in solving these problems
Troy: But FilmDoctor has all these features
Norbert: Exactly! With respect to the mechanical understanding of coating systems, layered systems and surfaces in general, FilmDoctor could be considered an adequate “digital twin”… even though I do not much like the word 😊.

[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, upcoming book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:
[2] N. Schwarzer, “The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert ‘s Stroke of Genius”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814877206
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 33 – Today: digital twin for coating systems and layered materials?
The following “interview” unfolded in our team in connection with recent and ever more frequently coming customer requests:
Troy: Hi Norbert, I have quite a few requests with respect to the digital twin of coating systems. Would you say that the FilmDoctor software could be such a thing?
Norbert (almost bored): Yes Troy, I have gotten this, too here. People have heard about this new “in vogue tool” they call “digital twin” and to me it often appears like the new Pokémon-hype. As with all these hypes, however, there are too many charlatans, who only want to profit from the boom. What they offer is usually rubbish, but they still can sell it, because the dim managers everywhere are now caught by the mass movement [1] and – as always – do not want to be left out. And there are those mediocre guys in the consulting and technical league who think that by jumping the bandwagon they might finally be able to do something for their own profile… something which does not necessarily help the team or company they are working for, of course.
Troy: But the concept must have its merits. Otherwise, it would not be so successful.
Norbert: Well Troy, let me remind you that the Pokémons were also quite a success and they were totally useless. But of course, years before the current digital twin hype was Prof. Leuenberger’s idea of the virtual patient [2, pp. 575] or our quantum gravity bank stress test model and quite a few other things [2], but if you asked me what a really good digital twin would be, then I’d define it as follows:
- It has to properly mirror its real counterpart
- It has to illustrate the counterpart’s inner workings and problematic features in an easy to understand way… which is to say understandable – if possible – also for the layman, so that not only so-called “experts” and holy priests “can predict an eclipse” and it should use our strongest sense, which is the optical one
- It should also provide tools for optimization, which is to say, after the understanding of a certain problem, failure mechanism or weakness, the digital twin must be able to assist in solving these problems
Troy: But Filmdoctor has all these features
Norbert: Exactly! With respect to the mechanical understanding of coating systems, layered systems and surfaces in general, Filmdoctor could be considered an adequate “digital twin”… even though I do not much like the word 😊.

[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, upcoming book-project with Jenny Stanford Publishing (e.g. see:
[2] N. Schwarzer, “The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert ‘s Stroke of Genius”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814877206
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 32 – Today: digital twin for coating systems and layered materials?
Sometimes you have to SEE in order to believe, but instead of believing, wouldn’t it be better to actually KNOW?
The video above shows the stress distribution (von Mises stresses) under a mechanical contact for a layered system. The tomographic view we applied here wonderfully illustrates the maximum stress concentration around the interface.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 31 – Today: addendum to impact experiment and “social distancing”
Yesterday, we sent our last newsletter, No. 30, with the short video about the experiment from Micro Materials. Therein we could see, that a set of impacts in a very dense impact setting (under a certain critical distance to each other) led to cracks and thus, material failure:
Well, this is just a great example for bad “social distancing” I’d say… with – as we all know – “disastrous consequences for the badly placed entities”
… this was our conclusion, which two of our readers commented in the following way:
I have a personal example of the consequences when the social distance is too close between my wife and her in-laws. There is some definite fracture occurring after some repeated impacts in close proximity…
You might be onto something with the social distancing thing if we do it in fairly good taste!
And YES:
These readers are probably more on the right track than they can imagine!
Norbert just finished a new book [1], where he mathematically describes more than the social distancing stuff, where leading psychologists were impressed, if not to say stunned and full of praise for bringing a more rigorous approach to the field. While the book is waiting release with the publisher, there is an intermediate version out as an e-book [2] for those who can’t wait. And there is also more of these ‘psych’ topics discussed in the books [3] and [4]:

[1] N. Schwarzer, “Mathematical Psychology – The World of Thoughts as a Quantum Space-Time with a Gravitational Core”, to be published with Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN to come
[2] N. Schwarzer, „Mathematical Psychology – Tools for the understanding, simulation, mitigation and potential prevention of mass formation psychoses“, Self-published, Amazon Digital Services, ASIN: B0BC5T1HB4, 2022, Kindle
[3] N. Schwarzer: “The Math of Body, Soul and the Universe”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN 9789814968249
For those of you who are interested in MORE and can’t wait: please check also the booth of Frank Papa and his GPPlasma team on ICMCTF in San Diego in May this year!
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 29 – Today: The Math of Body, Soul and the Universe
One of our recent publications has just been released and the author (Norbert Schwarzer) got his free copies (congratulations)

We did not know who else got free copies.
Yesterday now, the publisher informed Dr. Schwarzer that they had already received a very nice endorsement they would like to share with him. It reads:
“I strongly advise all those who suffer from self-inflation and megalomania to read this book. This book certainly provides psychological healing to those considering themselves important enough to impose or profile themselves as leaders or stars. But even more spectacularly, it takes readers on a tour to other, far more transcendent dimensions. Norbert’s extraordinary ability to phenomenize and theorize the supreme natural forces that underly our individual and societal experiences sheds a unique light on why quantum gravity est mater sapientiae. Whereas the mathematical formula may not be accessible to every reader, everyone who understands the deeper tone of this book will immediately sense this kind of desire to ‘leave this [terrestrial] body without dying’**…“ Prof. Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD, independent vaccine expert and innovator
** citation is from page 45 of this 960-page book
The math in this book is greatly motivated by concepts from material science, modified and extended and fed back into fundamental theoretical concepts from rather basic origin (like the Hamilton extremal principle and the Einstein-Hilbert action).
Amazingly, the outcome of such generalizations, if applied in the classical approaches from Hamilton, Hilbert and Einstein, lead to Quantum Gravity Field Equations and thus, a connection between Quantum Theory and the General Theory of Relativity.
Is this the long-sought unification of physics?
For those who want to learn more:
“The Renaissance had its sculptors and painters. Norbert wields his mathematical brilliance to offer an impassioned advocacy for a rational humanity. Let the symphony of consideration resonate in your consciousness.” – Dr David Martin, M·CAM International, LLC, USA
“There are only a few people who manage to bridge the gap from the concrete to the most abstract—Norbert Schwarzer is one of them. In a dazzling way, he presents abstract mathematical language that testifies at the same time from the phenomenology of everyday life and the perennial beauty of mathematical forms.” – Prof. Mattias Desmet, Ghent University, Belgium
“This personal view of a bright, independent scientist might not please everyone—but it is a stringent and holistic analysis of the global situation today. It is self-containing and should and will stimulate discussions in our scientific and civil society, which are urgently necessary in order to save our science, culture and finally mankind (or womankind, if people insist).” – Prof. Dr Andreas D. Wieck, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
“What if we could simulate mathematical models of human attributes, behaviors, and interactions beyond the restrictive confines of mechanistic properties? What if we could experiment with holistic thinking and understand how complex systems perform across business innovations and human societies? What if we could illustrate the physics of this ground-breaking universe through the ill-managed “response” to the evolution of COVID-19? We would be able to envision the evolution of individual and cluster decision making under positive and negative constraints.” – Jean-Raymond Naveau, Thinker, Creator, Advisor, Mentor, Co-Founder, Chief Innovation Officer | EU & Silicon Valley
Recent reviews from some of Dr Schwarzer’s other books:
“Quoting Richard P. Feynman—‘I think we can safely assume that no one understands quantum mechanics’—I am convinced that he would have made the following comments: (1) The Theory of Everything by Norbert Schwarzer is a quantum leap forward regarding the understanding of quantum mechanics. (2) There is no more need for the interpretation of the Copenhagen Convention, nor for The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Nobel Laureate Gerard ’t Hooft. (3) The derivation of the laws of quantum mechanics as a result of the Einstein field equations is absolutely ingenious.” – Prof. Hans Leuenberger, University of Basel, Switzerland
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 28 – Today: some short droplet evolution animations
Last week we talked about simulating a scenario with multiple impacts hitting the wall of a nuclear fusion device. However, in the video presented we did not consider the stress and strain evolution of impacting droplets. Taking the hot environment regarding such an application, however, we know that such an extension is of essential need.
Here now, we have compiled 8 very short video animations which show exactly THAT, namely 3D animations of particles and droplets hitting a coated surface…
All animations were produced with our software FilmDoctor.
Apart from such animations, FilmDoctor can also be used for nanoindentation and scratch analysis for layered materials and general coating system and surface optimization.
It can be tested for free. Just contact us (see addresses below).
In one of our next newsletters, we will present a very concrete example of an application (Animation for an experiment, performed by Ben Beak from Micromaterials!).
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 27 – Today: nuclear fusion impact optimization
In the following video you can find an example of a simulated multiple impact scenario hitting the wall of a nuclear fusion device.
Stress fields have been calculated, intrinsic stresses simulated and finally visualized in 3D animations with the help of different SIO software tools:
Droplet erosion, as it also should be considered in a hot environment like a nuclear fusion reactor, has not yet been taken into account in this video here, but that shall be the focus of our next newsletter in one week time.
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 26 – Today: half-spin, the universe’s big deception game?
In material science there are so many applications having to do with spin, especially the ominous quantum spin ½, that we thought it cannot help to have a somewhat more fundamental look at the problem.
There are quite some difficulties with the half spin concept, namely, whereby the fact that objects having such spin require a 720° rotation after they are back to their original state is just one of them.
The moment, however, one does apply quantum gravity methods (well, in fact it is just an extend Einstein-Hilbert action) one suddenly finds that these problems disappear (see abstract of [B] below and the brand-new paper [C]).
So, the question should be asked whether such new concepts will help in getting a more fundamental understanding in some of those applications mentioned above and if yes, can the methods be used to optimize such apps and the products behind?
[B] N. Schwarzer, “Towards the Metric Quark – Derivation of More Spin-1/2-Objects from the Einstein-Hilbert Action”, Self-published, Amazon Digital Services, B0BWDQDBFW, 2023, Kindle
[C] N. Schwarzer, “The Universe’s Half-Spin Deception Game”, to be published, Amazon Digital Services, ASIN: B0BXPKWPQZ, 2023, Kindle
In this short paper, we are going to show how one can directly derive a variety of Schrödinger-like equations [A1, A2] with and without the classical 1/r potential plus confining potentials linear in r and / or r² from a metric with so-called hidden dimensions in addition to our usual 4 space-time dimensions. We will do so by using the metric concept of Hilbert’s variational integrals [A3], which are based on Hamilton’s extremal principle. While Hilbert originally only wanted to derive the Einstein-Field-Equations [A4], he in fact wrote down a world formula, which also contained all fundamental quantum equations [A5, A6, A7].
It is shown how both theories, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and quantum theory can be extracted from Hilbert’s original work and as an example we will derive equations for a variety of objects with and without spin.
It will be shown that there appears a metric constellation in 8 dimensions which almost forces half-spin objects with confining potentials into existence. However, we also find that spin might not at all be what it appears to be, respectively, how it has been interpreted so far. In this paper we will show that spin could just be the effect of additional dimensions providing a binary parameter (with a “+” and “-“ option) only appearing as spin to us. In addition, due to the appearance of the confining potentials, we cannot help but noticing that – perhaps – there is a way for the metric derivation of quarks. These facts are interesting findings.
It should be noted that this paper is only a byproduct of a bigger work, about the fundamental derivation of evolution equations for arbitrary systems [A8] and an attempt to formulate the theoretical foundations for a “Mathematical Psychology” [A9] as well as a quantum gravity systems science [A10]. It is based on our project to metrically derive fundamental equations from various fields via Hilbert’s world formula [A5] in an extended form [A6]. The first are the harmonic oscillator [A11], the Schrödinger Hydrogen problem [A12] and simple half-spin objects [A13].
Abstract References
[A1] E. Schrödinger, „Quantisierung als Eigenwertproblem (erste Mitteilung)“, Ann. Phys., Vol. 384, No. 4. (1926), pp. 361-376
[A2] E. Schrödinger, „Quantisierung als Eigenwertproblem (zweite Mitteilung)“, Ann. Phys., Vol. 384, No. 6. (1926), pp. 489-527
[A3] D. Hilbert, Die Grundlagen der Physik, Teil 1, Göttinger Nachrichten, 395-407 (1915)
[A4] A. Einstein, Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Annalen der Physik (ser. 4), 49, 769–822
[A5] N. Schwarzer, “The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert ‘s Stroke of Genius”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814877206
[A6] N. Schwarzer: “The Math of Body, Soul and the Universe”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ISBN 9789814968249
[A7] N. Schwarzer: “The Theory of Everything – Quantum and Relativity is everywhere – A Fermat Universe”, Pan Stanford Publishing, (2020), ISBN-10: 9814774472
[A8] N. Schwarzer: “How Systems Evolve – A Red Pill Course on Evolution”, Self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2022, Kindle, ASIN: B0B6RGBKQ4
[A9] N. Schwarzer, „Mathematical Psychology – Tools for the understanding, simulation, mitigation and potential prevention of mass formation psychoses“, Self-published, Amazon Digital Services, ASIN: B0BC5T1HB4, 2022, Kindle
[A10] N. Schwarzer: “Quantum Gravity Systems Science”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BRL8SKSB, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
[A11] N. Schwarzer, “Derivation of the Harmonic Oscillator from the Einstein-Hilbert Action – The Metric Harmonic Oscillator”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BSXJCJVB, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
[A12] N. Schwarzer, “Derivation of the Schrödinger Hydrogen from the Einstein-Hilbert Action – The Metric Schrödinger Hydrogen”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BT9Y54XP, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
[A13] N. Schwarzer, “The Metric Electron – Derivation of Spin-1/2-Objects from the Einstein-Hilbert Action”, Self-published, ASIN: B0BTPQM26X, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:

SIO the other newsletter – No. 25 – Today: Accelerated ageing – is it happening now?
Oh well, I see, in Norway they wonder a lot about overcrowded emergency rooms, high excess mortalities and a seemingly completely unrelated conglomeration of all kinds of strange diseases that have nothing to do with Covid, but which all suddenly and unexpectedly appear sooooo much more frequently:
I always thought that with all their off-shore oil they had really good experts… there in Norway.
I thought that it might not be so difficult to connect the present oddities among those so manifoldly suffering in the country (and many other countries worldwide, too) with certain other things.
I thought that the little arithmetic problem of 1+1=2 could not be so difficult even for the dumbest of the dumb statesmen in the western civilization.
Well, I’m just a humble physicist, one who likes to explore, get to the bottom of things and trust my own senses more than what people (certain people!) try to tell me.
At the beginning of December 2021, I sent out the following post under the title “Accelerated ageing – who would need something like that?”:
For some time now, I have been wondering whether there could be some common cause for the many adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines (until October 21 over 64,000, after all).
I found that there were striking parallels to a strange disease known as progeria. Children with this hereditary disease age 5 to 10 times faster than normal people and therefore hardly live beyond the age of 14. A little over two months ago, I asked a leading international immunologist if the vaccines, but especially the spike molecule, could somehow damage the telomeres. These molecular “protective caps” of our chromosomes play a decisive role in the ageing process. The interviewee found this an interesting approach, but could not say much else about it, because this possible mode of action had simply not been studied yet.
Today I know that I was searching in the wrong place. The parallel to progeria was more than appropriate, but contrary to my assumption, it was not the telomeres that suffered from the vaccines (at least we don’t know anything about it yet), but rather the genetic repair mechanism that is permanently running in our body, which is damaged by the vaccines. An attentive reader sent me the necessary piece of the puzzle to close the chain of evidence:
She even thankfully sent me the link to download the pdf at the same time: (
So, we now know:
The vaccinations damage (among other things) the genetic repair mechanism of the vaccinated person, who then begins to develop a variety of symptoms that are difficult to bring together on first sight.
However, if one knows the cause of all these ailments, the matter is simple. The above paper proves the link with vaccination.
It is an ageing accelerator shot.
If the creators of this “technology” and the vaccine fascists in politics and the media were up to evil, one must acknowledge that their approach was actually not bad, because faster ageing is of course not immediately noticeable… that is, at least not until they have injected this devilish stuff into everyone’s arm.
… but of course, no one assumes that the progeria medication administration (or better: progeria shot) was intentional, do they?
Here once again is the arithmetical problem to be solved in order to bring it all together:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or:
SIO the other newsletter – No. 24 – Today: About Mixed Droplet and Particle Erosion Simulation – Video
No further explanation is needed. Just enjoy the brief animation:
If you have any questions concerning the theory, please contact Norbert Schwarzer directly via email:
For all other concerns (software, offers, development, investor requests) address Peggy Heuer-Schwarzer: or: