Until December 8 we offer a 30 % discount on all FilmDoctor Studio software packages in our Black November & Cyber Week deal. The software packages are fully customizable. You can add any combination of modules to the FilmDoctor Studio base package.
If you are interested simply contact us via email.
The following table lists all available modules in alphabetical order.
No discount
With discount
FilmDoctor Studio
11,000 €
7,700 €
Calotte module
11,000 €
7,700 €
CritLoad optimization module
8,250 €
5,750 €
Fit layer height module
2,750 €
1,925 €
IStress module
11,000 €
7,700 €
Multiple impact module
11,000 €
7,700 €
OPfC module
5,500 €
3,850 €
OPfC series module
2,750 €
1,925 €
Reference stress module
11,000 €
7,700 €
Reference stress module calotte extension
5,500 €
3,850 €
SSA module
5,500 €
3,850 €
TestOptimizer module
8,250 €
5,775 €
Net sum
93,500 €
65,450 €
Available modules overview
If you are interested simply contact us via email.
We also provide a free test package in which you can load a set of calculated projects and look at the FilmDoctor Studio features.
Below you can find more information about the software and the available modules. Simply click on the name to unfold the details.
FilmDoctor Studio
FilmDoctor® Studio is the ultimate software for physical characterization, engineering, and optimization of arbitrary structured surfaces.
Find more details about the included features here.
Calotte module
This module allows the analysis of a series of indentation measurements within a calotte crater. Therefore a young’s modulus profile can be evaluated or it’s possible to get the material parameters of an underlaying layer.
This module evaluates the stress strain fields for all input parameter combinations to calculate a critical load for each parameter set. This allows to detect the influence of each parameter and which parameter set seems to have the biggest potential to perform best in the later application.
This module works similar to the OPfC module but in the opposite direction. Instead of knowing the layer thickness and evaluating the Young’s modulus it allows to evaluate the layer thickness using a known value for the Young’s modulus.
IStress module
The IStress module allows the optimization of the intrinsic stress profile to increase the application performance without changing material compounds.
This module was developed in the eu-project IStress.
Multiple impact module
This module allows you to define a set of impact with a great flexibility of parameters (e.g. mass, speed, energy, size). The stress strain field will be calculated as an animation using the defined particle parameters and evaluated contact times and conditions.
OPfC module
The Oliver & Pharr for Coatings module allows the analysis of indentation experiments giving the true Young’s modulus for coatings without any substrate effect and critical parameters like yield strength.
This extension allows the analysis of a series of indentation measurements with the OPfC module instead of only one load depth curve. This can save time and allows you to easily evaluate average values.
Reference stress module
This module compares a set of indentation measurement at the surface with a reference measurement. This comparison allows to evaluate the residual stresses locally in comparison the reference measurement.
This extension for the reference stress module allows the evaluation of the indentation measurements within a calotte crater. With this extension it’s possible to create a profile of the residual stresses within a layer.
SSA module
The Scratch Stress Analyser module allows the analysis of scratch measurements giving the complete stress field at each measured position, which allows to find the initial failure mechanism.